People "Zombified" By Alcohol
- The "Walking Dead' theme turns drunk people trying to...
Media videos
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How Fast Do Burgers Decay?
- The less gross they look, the more disturbing the...
The Haunted Photo-booth Prank
- These bar patrons get a little surprise during their...
Subway Tries To Ripoff Old Man
- False advertising, or just another employee who can't...
Everything You Need To Know About Ebola
- Get your facts straight with short informative video.
Afroman - Because I Got High (Remix)
- The remix is in support of marijuana legalization in...
$1,000 Rent In 12 Different U.S. Cities
- How much of your stuff would you have to get rid of?
Marines Vs. Republic Of Korea In Drum Off
- Just some friendly competition between two military...
Skipping Rocks On A Frozen Lake
- This guy from Alaska just discovered he really likes...
10 Amazing Bets You Will Always Win
- Impress your friends and take their money with these...
Hot Chick Gold Digger Exposed By Prank
- A few dollar bills can magically change some people's...
Player Gets Speared, Delivers K.O. Punch
- If you're gonna play dirty, I can too!
Restaurant Owner Talks Dirty To Reporter
- The owner flirts with the reporter by dropping some...
Women's MMA Brutal Headkick Knockout
- You can hear the harsh sound of impact as she gets...
7 Creepy Things Everyone Does
- I wasn't looking at you, I swear!
Amry Vet Throws Awesome First Pitch
- Brian Keaton throws a grenade styled first pitch.
Girl Getting Wisdom Teeth Out Is Gangsta
- She probably won't remember but...
Randy Orton Attacks From Out Of Nowehere
- He sneaks up on this unsuspecting kid and delivers a...
Spectacular One Handed Touchdown Catch
- Javess Blue hauls in an impressive one-handed catch...
Base Jumper Lands In Rooftop Pool
- That's one way to crash a party.
Guy Runs Over His Attacker With His Car
- A driver takes matters into his own hands when being...
Attempted Robbery Of A Jewelry Store
- The owner fights off two gun wielding thieves trying...
Egomaniacal Girl Can't Stop Taking Selfies
- Woah! That's enough already!
Amanda Bynes Shoplifting Video
- Security camera footage of Amanda dancing, acting...
7 Quotes That Proved To Be Very Wrong
- Time proved them wrong. Very, very wrong.
Don't Joke About Ebola On An Airplane
- A man sneezes on a plane and yells Sorry, I came from...
Free Climbing Skyscrapers, With A Twist
- These guys hack into a giant LCD screen and play...
Man Attempts 725 lbs. Record Bench Press
- You don't just get the nickname "Beast" for no reason.
MMA Spinning Knockout Compilation
- All the best spinning technique knockouts all in one...
Rally Car Hits Ditch And Violently Crashes
- Drifting too close to the edge of the road sends this...
Guy Slams CNN For Their Bigoted Arguments
- Reza Aslan destroys two anchors and thier simplified...
Can You Relax?
- Man has a hard time staying calm as he is being...
Disc Golfer Gets Profiled By Police
- Cop attempts to get a guy to admit to smoking weed and...
Adorable Baby Loves Water
- Baby drinks water for the first time and I think its...
Idiot's Demolition Fail
- If you cut the platform you're standing on, you're...
5-Year-Old JP Gibson Plays For The Utah Jazz
- A dream come true for 5-year old Leukemia patient who...
The Price Is Right Fail
- Corey makes an outrageous bid on The Price Is Right
Paraglider Collides With Eagle
- A large bird gets tangled up in his parachute...
Cop Hitches A Ride For Car Chase
- An officer on foot hitches a ride to chase down the...
Women Drink Whiskey For The First Time
- "I can feel it burning my stomach."
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