Private Security Officer Torches ‘Time Crisis’ Arcade Game Like He's Jason Bourne

My God…

By Braden Bjella

Published 2 months ago in Ftw

My God…

If you’re ever looking for a fun way to kill a few hours, browse through the security guard subreddit. While there are plenty of normies on there simply trying to figure out the best way to perform their shitty job, occasionally, you’ll stumble on the guy who definitely failed out of cop school but still wants control over other people. They’ll use “tactical speak,” talk about “suspects” and “perps,” and go *just* up to the line of impersonating a police officer.

Usually, I’d say that these people are losers who need to be more honest about their skillset. However, this guy might be entitled to as much tactical speak cop role play as he wants.

Why? Simply put, he’s just really, really goddamn good at Time Crisis. According to OP, he’s able to beat the game on two-player mode with one coin all by himself.

Mad respect.

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This 1991 ‘Nintendo Therapy Session’ Shows Early Parental Fears About Video Game Addiction

They were even complaining about a lack of backwards compatibility back then!

By Braden Bjella

Published 2 months ago in Wow

They were even complaining about a lack of backwards compatibility back then!

Video games are an unfortunately expensive hobby. Sure, you can load up on whatever stuff is currently on sale on Steam, but if you want to keep with the trends and join all of the major titles the Twitch streamers are playing, you’re going to need to shell out a pretty penny for every game.

As it turns out, this has always been the case. These news reports from 1991 show people getting annoyed that they can’t just play the SNES games in their original NES, as well as grumbling about how expensive games are getting.

Hate to tell you, but things aren’t that much better today!

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