Reporter Accidentally Turns on Facebook Filters While Live in Hilarious News Blooper

This is how you get kids interested in the news again.

By toaster_strudel

Published 5 years ago in Funny

Justin Hinton, an ABC 13 TV reporter in North Carolina, accidentally turned on Facebook Live filters right as he was going live to report on snowy conditions in the area.

In an interview from the NY Post, the reporter said, "Right before going live on Facebook on the WLOS ABC 13 station account to talk about snow, I somehow activated a filter generator. The photog I was working with said something about the screen having weird faces. He didn't elaborate, so I said it would probably go away. Needless to say, it did not go away."
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Mike Bloomberg Says He "Bought" 20 Democrats in Congress, Instantly Regrets It

I mean, we all know that's how it goes Mike, but you're not actually supposed to say the quiet part out loud.

By damn_nation_inc

Published 5 years ago in Facepalm

During last night's Democratic Debate, former NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg committed a faux pas by accidentally saying the 20 Democrats he helped elect were "bought" by him. I mean, we all know that's how it goes Mike, but you're not actually supposed to say the quiet part out loud.

Mike's definitely had a rough go it this campaign season, including getting absolutely rekt at the last debate.
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