Heartbreaking Drone Footage Shows Lone Bottlenose...
- A dolphin named Honey was left to die at the Inubosaki...
Media videos
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Dude Shows Up To Japanese Club With A Sax, Brings The...
- Partiers enjoying a set by Detriot Swindle in Nagoya,...
Desperate Japanese Dude Pays For 2 Minutes Of Public...
- I'm not sure wtf is going on here, but I'm pretty sure...
Quick Thinking Streamer Helps Woman Fend Off Her...
- While live streaming in Japan this guy noticed...
BREAKING: Prehistoric Shark
- Video of the prehistoric shark found in the waters...
Never Seen Before
- A great video out of Japan showcasing the unique...
Dizzy Boxing
- Japan continues to up the ante on great TV shows with...
Smoke On The Water
- Check out the Japanese version of Smoke On The Water.
Japanese Baseball Fail
- ouch, head first trying to catch the ball
Baseball Caught in Pizza
- Japanese baseball fan, catches the ball with his pizza.
Japanese Hypnotist Puts His Female Patient Into Orgasm
- It's so awesome to be a hypnotist.
Vagina Monster
- It even squirts!
Kickboard Scooter
- The Facial expressions of the participants in this...
Bubble Prank
- These guys fill their friend's room with suds. Mr....
Giga Pudding
Egg Yolk SnowBalling
- This beats FAP any day of the week!
Asian girl transforms into creepy pink armadillo
- Japan...keep doing what you do.
Ship Meets Tsunami Wave
- Off the coast of Japan
200 inch Hi-Def 3D TV
- No glasses required.
Mom Stays Calm During the 9.0 Earthquake To Comfort...
- Mother of the year.
Amazing Yo-Yo Table Cloth Trick
I'm Hungry Now
- Too much sauce though.
Japanese "Ghost In The Elevator" Prank
- Further proof that Japan has the best prank shows.
Awesome Japanese Flip Books
- These aren't the stick figure flipbooks from your...
Three Professional Soccer Players Take On 100 Kids
- Those kids never stood a chance!
This Japanese Gameshow Is Too Bizarre
- Not sure what's going on here, but I like it.
Japanese Voice Actors Try to Speak English in Anime...
- These Japanese voice actors give it their best... and...
Intense Footage Of Kamikaze Attacks During WWII
- Roughly 1900 planes were intentionally crashed during...
Whoever Made This Japanese Slide Hates Not Having a...
- Not recommended unless you are a master samurai.
Guy Opens Beer Bottles like a Weird Ninja
- This guy does some amazing tricks with beer bottles.
Video of Japan in 8K Resolution at 60 Frames Per Second
- Shot between 2017-2019 across Japan including...
Jump Roping Dogs
- Japan continues their policy of making TV shows that...
We Are The World-Asian Style
- Some Japanese imitate the original American celebs...
Incredible Trick Shots
- Check out some amazing pool trick shots from our...
That's why Japan is crazy about baseball
- Why don't they do stuff like that here?
Popping Girl Kazumi
- Every robot geek's dream girl.
Animated Body Art
- This video definitely gives a new view to body art. In...
Be The Prettiest Girl Japanese TV Show
- The winner of the contest where guys dress up as...
Most Definitely The Worst Music Video Ever Made
- No words can describe this monstrosity.
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