Student Pepper Sprays Teacher after He Confiscated Her Phone
Last Friday, a student at Antioch High School in Tennessee, pepper sprayed her teacher after he confiscated her phone.
Published 1 year ago in Facepalm
Last Friday, a student at Antioch High School in Tennessee, pepper sprayed her teacher after he confiscated her phone.
Her offense? According to Reddit user Lazy_Mouse8303 – who upload the video to r/PublicFreakout – she had been using her phone to Google the answers for her work.
Surprisingly, this isn't the first time a teacher has been attacked by a student for taking their phone away. This isn't even this teacher's first time dealing with such an instance.
Two months ago the same teacher was attacked by a student after – you guessed it – confiscating their phone for – yup – Googling answers to a test.
Instead of forcing teenagers to learn – and forcing adults to teach them – we should let students use their phones to cheat, the old ways are dead, we should let them die with grace.
Here's some context for that video earlier.
— (@NorthernGirl248) May 7, 2023
Student was texting and googling test answers, so the teacher confiscated her phone.
She pepper sprayed him when he refused to return it.
The same teacher was punched in the face 2 weeks ago by a cheating student using a phone
The Same Tennessee Teacher who was Pepper Sprayed by a Student, gets Attacked by another Student for Confiscating his Cell Phone a few months before...
— Fight Haven (@FightHaven) May 7, 2023