13 Year Old Hit By High Speed Train
- Amazingly he escaped with his life. Gets back up, and...
Media videos
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Meanwhile In China...
- Two scooters collide with each other.
Passing Fail....
- Don't try and pass 2 vehicles at once...
Bad Skate Fall
- my terrible fall attempting this steep ass hill...
Dukes of Hazzard Jump Fail
- This is why you leave it to the professionals.
Race Car Driver Leaves Race Early
- See you later guys, i'm out.
A New Plant Grows... A Faceplant
- Tree Hug Fail
Hit And Run Caught On Tape
- This street, nobody canna cross it!
Highway Tire Blowout
- I guess you could say... *puts on shades* He's...
Hey Stupid, Look Before You Pass
- The lines on the road indicate that he is allowed to...
Two Buses Crash At Intersection
- i bet people went flying in those buses
Background Playground Fail
- oh phil....ya dun goofed
Bike Hits Girl at Race
- An accident at this race has a motorcycle flying at...
Sketchy Plane Take Off
- I woulda shit myself.
Stay Classy Southwest
- oooops, pilot accidentally broadcast his displeasure...
Dashcam Captures Head on Collision
- Did he died?
Motorcycle Vs Car
- Holy shit.
Bitch Get Out The Way!!!!
- Skip to 1:20 for good part...
Helicopter Cannot Take Off and Crashes Badly
- must be the wind
Drift Car Slams Into Crowd
- A drift car loses control and smashes into people...
Mom Runs Over Teen Daughter
- Teen throws a fit and mom puts her in her place, under...
How To Roll A Jeep With Style
- He meant to do that.....
Runner Gets Hit In Crosswalk
- His jump probably saved him from a more severe injury
Driver Gets Thrown Out Car Window
- Another driver gets tossed ...he walks it off...this...
Swing Double FAIL
- Hilarious swing accident.
Longboard Accident
- fatty shouldn't be on that thing in the first place.
Ride Fail...
- they said keep all objects including arms inside the...
Close Call
- wait for it...
Factory Accident
- No need to panic.
Man Loses His Face In Electrocution Accident
- Holy shit.
Nasty Hockey Hit
- I'm a Habs fan but this wasn't a dirty hit. It's...
Even This Perfect Faceplant Doesn't Impress Chinese...
- keep cool, no need to rush. We are off duty!!
I Killed a Deer Today
- WARNING: spoiler; a deer dies in this video...
Escalator Goes Crazy
- Get off me NOW
Car Vs. Bike
- This dude went flying.
Police Car Hits Female Cyclist
- What was she doing there anyway?
Film Student Fail
- He had it going so nicely until he forgot his own...
Copper Stopper
- in a pinch a sturdy light pole will do just fine to...
Rallycar Driver Loses Control
- Holy shit.
eBaum's Picks