Corgi Sets Owners Kitchen On Fire On Camera
- While filming a pet/owner help show The Corgi gets...
Media videos
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Sea Lion Attacks Kayaker
- These people were kayaking and came across a sea lion...
Eye Of The Kittens
- Everybody can change!
Cat vs Mirror
- The epic battle continues.
Video Surfaces of Alleged Abuse at Kansas School
- 14yr old boy with 2 broken legs is forced to stand...
Sloths Pooping
- looks like a great time!
Sloths Pooping
- looks like a great time!
Chimp Surprise
- Peek-a-boo chimp has a nasty surprise for these kids.
Huge Dog Riding a Bike
- Norman the Scooter Dog rides a bicycle.
40 lb Barracuda Jumps Into Fishing Boat
- Ooooh barracuda!
Weir'd a Fragrance by Ozgood
- Step inside the world of beer drinking juggernaut,...
Ventriloquist Hobo
- Never approach a hobo with a puppet unless you're...
A Monster Cock-Fight
- The undefeated Flaming Cock of The Devil faces his...
Dookie Monster
- If you hear monsters growling in the next stall dont...
Man Saves Impaled Deer
- That was awesome. Good people.
Dude Hides Under Sand to Catch Seagull
- Gains Instant Credibility.
Thug Drops Cop And Runs Away!!
- Don't know what led up to the event but it's safe to...
Monkey Adopts Kitten!
- A caring monkey decides to be a mother figure to this...
How Virus Invades Your Body
- Kind of makes you want to walk around with one of...
Ominous Ghostlike Sea Creature
- That's one wicked jellyfish.
Meanwhile In Mexico
- A turtle tries to make to the ocean..until...oh my god!
Unexpected Window Surprise
- A dude was working in his home and heard some noise...
Mysterious Creature Washes Up On Seal Beach
- It's being compared to the Montauk Monster which was...
Penguins Jumping Onto An Iceberg
- Penguins always seem to be up against incredible odds.
How Smart Are Dogs?
- Meet an extraordinary Border Collie changing our view...
Suicide Bear Jumps Off a Tree
- He almost killed himself to death.
How To Troll A Monkey
- Awesome reaction from the monkey on the left when he...
Greedy Hamster
- Real life Tom and Jerry scene.
If This Stallion Was Mine
- I'd take him straight to the glue factory.
Frog Sittin' On a Dock Of the Bay
- Coolest frog you'll ever meet.
Police Officer Fired For Stopping Other Cops' Beating...
- Police where called to help with non-hostile mentally...
Squirrel Bites Boy
- Boy freaks out.
Dude Freaks Out Over Drugs in MW3
- It makes sense though. It also makes sense why he...
Cat Alarm Clock
- Troll Level: Cat
Cat Crosses River In a Funny Way
- That's one smart pussy.
Dog Jumping Rope Like a Boss
- This dog is pretty amazing.
This Bird Has Seen Some Things...
- Can you guess what?
Encountering a Great White Shark While Fishing
- Damn nature, you scary.
Stoned Wasp Vs. Stoners
- Who is more stoned, the dudes or the wasp? Check out...
Fart Noise Making Horse
- Horse has talent.
eBaum's Picks