Trampoline Nut Shot
- One of the worst nut shots I've seen.
Media videos
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Paintball Shootout
- The picture of the damage makes this worthwhile.
Horse Headbutt
- Show that horse who's boss!
Sept. 11th 911 Call
- A chilling 911 recording from Sept 11th.
Fast Punches
- CLASSIC: I have no clue how these guys stayed up...
Busch Stadium Windstorm
- One of the people gets nailed by a garbage can!
Trampoline Idiot
- This wasn't the brightest idea for a stunt.
Dry Ice Bomb
- This guy checks to make sure he still has fingers...
Jose Cuervo Chug
- This guy chugs a liter of Jose Cuervo!
Huge Hockey Fight
- One of the longest brawls I've ever seen.
Tazer Cry
- Man gets tazered and cries likes a sissy.
Ref Checked
- This ref gets checked through the glass.
Cop Clubs Woman
- A riot cop clubs a woman.
Too Much Booze
- Maybe this guy should have stopped before that last...
Plane Thrust
- This planes thrust pushes people into the ocean.
Bike Crash
- Yet another guy wipes out on his bike.
Huge Jump
- This guy gets an amazing amount of air.
Lion Attack
- This guy gets mauled by 2 lions.
Not in the mouth
- Don't you put it in your mouth!
Roman Candle Fight
- These people have a shoot out with roman candles.
Diving Board
- Something just had to go wrong.
Amazing Wheelie
- The angle this guy gets is amazing.
Fish Head
- This is just disgusting.
Disgusting Fingernail
- This is just sickening
Arm Wrestling Break
- Another case of arm wrestling gone wrong.
NBA Brawl
- Here is the NBA brawl in case you missed it or want to...
Late Punch
- Boxer cops an attitude and gets laid out on the mat.
Snow Jump
- A guy takes a crazy jump and flips upside down on a...
Kick Break
- Guy severely breaks his leg kick boxing.
Bike Cheat
- This is what happened when someone tries cheating.
Tyson Bite
- Live footage of Tyson's famous bite back in '98.
Bike Faceplant
- When will people learn?
Car Explosion
- Ambush in Iraq!
Dance Floor Caves In
- Shocking video of a dance floor that collapses.
Cop Fired
- A state trooper gets fired after this fiasco.
Bad Stunt
- This stunt goes wrong.
Drag Race Crash
- One of the worst car accidents ever caught on tape.
Train Guard Bike Whack
- Looking both ways just didn't cut it for this guy...
Desert Blast
- Don't ever have a picnic in the desert!
Stand Off
- Man with knives gets run down by police.
eBaum's Picks