Cheater Exposes Himself for Cheating While Bragging...
- The key to being good at any game is knowing when to...
Media videos
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Scammers Arrested for Stealing Money Openly Joke about...
- The joke in this clip from 2019 turned out not to be a...
Woman Speaks the Entire Alphabet "Backwards" Backwards
- This is what happened to that kid in class who kept...
Nervous Guy's Life Ended after Selfie with Car Babe
- Who keeps their toupee on a leash anyway?
Gun Nut Blows His Own Balls Off
- This is why you don't play around pointing a gun at...
Alex Jones Has Zero Patience for the Mask Police
- Glad to see he's doing just as well as ever.
Cop Tries to Handcuff 8 Year-Old Boy with ADHD
- This "scared straight" tactic gave the kid nightmares.
Weatherman Cursed Out for Trying to Warn Sports Fans...
- Some people could care less if their house is about to...
Dude Confronted after Scraping All the Social...
- His "Scrape for Truth" campaign sounds super promising.
"Zombie Seizure" Modeling Is All the Rage Right Now
- These moves will have women crawling all over you.
Trump Discovers New Way to Pronounce "Yosemite"...
- He says it twice just to make sure.
Texas Congressman Gets COVID-19 and Blames It on His...
- You can't make this stuff up.
Cop Killer Unloads Full Clip of His "Hand" Gun on...
- Someone call the nursing home, grandpa escaped again.
Will Smith Dies a Little Inside as His Wife Reveals a...
- Talking about how your wife banged some other dude...
Auntie Karen Goes off the Rails Ranting about Mask...
- She definitely vapes her Starbucks through her butt.
Florida Women Don't Need Masks or Underwear as Long as...
- "Ma'am, this is an Arby's. Either order something or...
Dude Spray Painting "Wighte Lives Matter" on His Fence...
- A new movement is gaining traction one genius at a...
Snapchat Added Then Quickly Removed This Juneteenth...
- Making slavery jokes is never a good look.
Trump Re-Election Song Makes Me Want to Blow My Brains...
- This is only the start of a summer full of Trump...
Cop Puts on Oscar–Worthy Performance in McDonald's...
- She felt personally attacked because the McDonald's...
Lost Owen Wilson Commercial for Italian Soda Brand Is...
- Someone needs to put Owen Wilson back in his cage.
An Honest Commercial for Any Brand Capitalizing on...
- We're close to seeing Ronald McDonald bring out...
The Fear in Karen's Eyes When She's Caught Coughing on...
- Her look at the end is one of someone who's about to...
Trump's Newest Birthday Ad Is a Low-Budget Masterpiece
- Star wipes, vague details, and a drunk guy pretending...
Guy Changed His License Plate to "NULL" and All Hell...
- He thought he was being clever but he ended up playing...
British Cop Tricked into Falling into Water Is an...
- A cop chase straight out of Benny Hill. Only thing...
TikTok and Cops Do Not Mix Well Together...Ever (2...
- These self-owns are almost more damaging than anything...
Kid's "Knowledge Scooping" Hack Makes Reading Obsolete
- And here I was thinking I had to read all those words...
Totally Unprompted, Cleveland Mayor Calls City...
- Going on a live stream interview to literally s*** on...
Bro Gives Thumbs up to Protesters and Gets a Rock...
- Now is not the time for beer pong, dude.
Fake Anti-Looting Selfies Are a New Low for Instagram...
- Keep the protest selfies coming.
White Women Spray Painting "BLM" on Starbucks Get a...
- Not the Starbucks x Black Lives Matter collaboration...
Man's Life Is Destroyed Repeatedly by World's Greatest...
- You have to be a psychopath to lie this well.
Woman Trying to Keep Her Hands Clean Gets Sanitized in...
- When trying to do the right thing goes horribly wrong.
Gamer Girl Accidentally Reveals New "Adult" Hobby to...
- Announcing to your parents that you bought a sex toy...
Drunk Woman Exemplifies How Many Americans Will Return...
- Some folks are ready to go out and catch that virus...
Politician's Tips on Playing with Your Tennis Balls...
- "You can kick their balls, but you can't touch them...
Karen Tries to Escape Tow Truck but Makes Things Much...
- Your brain must be completely smooth to think this was...
Middle Finger Karen Tries to Ruin Everyone's Fun, Cops...
- Nothing quite like the sweet satisfaction of seeing a...
Chinese Cliff Swing Looks like Pure Death
- This swing is 300+ feet tall and yeets you out over a...
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