Man Tries to Steal Car, But Police Box Him In
- A dude was recently caught (allegedly) going for a...
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Guy Trips and Falls Straight Into His Truck
- A dent in the truck, and a dent in the head!
It’s Not Just Stanley Cups: People Are Tearing Apart...
- Everyone really is getting more feral.
Woman Gets Knocked Down After Trying to Catch Suitcase
- I mean, she technically stopped it.
Man Ignores Wife’s Advice, Eats It Off a Ladder
- Fellas, listen to your wives.
Reporter Eats ‘World’s Hottest Chili,’...
- If someone asked me to eat what might possibly be one...
Man in Parade Gets Run Over by a Police Horse
- Watch out there, pal!
Man Narrowly Avoids Getting Assassinated by Runaway...
- Some on-the-job hazards are expected. Others are...
Dude Learns Hard Lesson Playing ‘Revolving Door...
- Just use the doors for entering and exiting next time.
Parachuter Lands Right on Top of Random Person’s Head
- Watch where you’re landing, dick!
Man Rams Into Van for No Reason Whatsoever
- Uh, I guess watch where you’re going next time?
Another Day, Another Car Getting Hit By a Train
- Are there any trains in this country that *haven’t*...
Kid Runs His R/C Car Off a Jump and Into His Own Head
- A new, creative way for your child to hurt themselves!
Man Trying to Move Pole Launches It Into His Back...
- We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Hire...
Cop Rudely Refuses Man’s Request to Be Driven Up the...
- I pay your salary! You should be able to drive me up...
Wrestler Accidentally Destroys the Ceiling
- Send this to anyone who says that wrestling is fake!
Woman Trips on Amazon Package, Accidentally Throws...
- That delivery didn’t go as planned.
Dude Tries to Launch Off Ramp, But the Ramp Isn’t...
- This is why you test the strength of your ramp...
Kid Rides Bike Directly Into Woman’s Rear
- Down she goes!
There’s a New Commune in the Desert, and One Person...
- Every few years, someone gets the bright idea to build...
The ‘World’s Most Crowded Train’ Is Hell on Earth
- The U.S. is sorely lacking when it comes to trains. In...
Dude Almost Successfully Loads His Snowmobile Onto a...
- Close enough?
Woman Gets Farted Off Her Horse
- I’ll be honest, I didn’t think this was possible.
Woman Running From Cops Slams Into Pole
- Not the best getaway route!
Man Keeps Power Bank Under Pillow. It Explodes
- This is why you don’t buy batteries off AliExpress.
According to Techies, the Pool of the Future Is Just...
- Love billiards, but hate that it takes skill and...
Watch a Bunch of Cars Go Flying Off an Unmarked Speed...
- What a fun way to destroy your car’s frame!
Helicopter Spins Out Into Airplane
- Yet another mark against helicopters.
Man Makes Fake Gang Video, Then Has to Apologize
- Don’t mess yourself up in things you don’t...
Fire Truck Almost Spins Out in Suburban Neighborhood
- On the plus side, if it crashes, at least the fire...
Guys Trying to Save Car End Up Pushing It Down a Ravine
- Talk about having a bad day on the job.
Man Breaks Into Store to Steal Sex Doll
- What motivates theft?
Dude Tries to Run Over Birds, Destroys His Car
- I would say, “Why would you try to hit birds with...
Watch a Man Drop a Shopping Cart on a Power Line
- Warning: don’t do this.
People Volunteer to Get Punched in the Liver, Then...
- Honestly, what did you think was going to happen?
Woman’s Attempt to Steal Amazon Package Isn’t...
- This is pathetic.
Dude Trying to Work Out Gets Attacked By His...
- Thought you were jumping rope? Fat chance, you’re...
Influencer Posing for the Camera Has No Idea She’s...
- Facebook Wall, meet the Wall of Death.
Man Confronts Drunk Driver Who Crashed, Then She...
- If you’re drunk driving, stop!
Woman Pops Balloon With Butt Firework
- This takes skill — and ass.
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