Dana White Gives A Great Motivational Speech
- Dana White talks about what it takes to be successful.
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The Best News Bloopers from August 2018
- A collection of funny and WTF moments from local and...
Speedflyer Jamie Lee Has A Death Wish
- It only takes one big rock to turn yourself into a...
Guy Flawlessly Plays The Air Drums to Tom Sawyer by...
- An NFL fan rocks out during a Baltimore Ravens game.
Joe Rogan Smoked Some Weed With Guest Elon Musk
- Get ready to party with Joe and Elon.
Mechanics Demonstrate This Awesome Tool For Removing...
- The Mini Ductor seems like a must have tool for a...
Bill Burr's Most Savage Moments
- Bill Burr has a special place in our hearts.
Mr. Bubbs Doesn't Like Being Smothered With Love
- This dog is headed for the big time!
Bill Burr's Airline Rant Will Make You Feel Sorry for...
- Bill doesn’t want people in uniform or children...
That One Friend Who's Always Ready With His Knife
- And is just a little too eager to use it...
'Sheep Play' Event Is Worse Than Your Worst Nightmare
- People have too much time on their hands, WTF!
Dad Pays His Daughter $100 To Knock Off A Guy's MAGA...
- Just a dad and his daughter doing a little Sunday...
Don't Walk, Run! Rips On The Cringefest That Is...
- Let's take a look at Seriously Tv, who have made more...
Talented Woman Plays System of a Down on a Grand Piano...
- A piano cover of "Chop Suey" on a Baroque Grand Piano...
This Method of Reheating Leftover Pizza is a Game...
- Don't microwave that left over pizza, try this game...
This Method of Reheating Leftover Pizza is a Game...
- Don't microwave that left over pizza, try this game...
Guy Scares People With a Remote Controlled Shark
- Get out of the water, there's a shark!
Man Who Claims He Can Speak Backwards is Put to the...
- Hamish and Andy test a caller who claims to have a...
Leigh Holland Is Only The Second Woman To Ever Lift...
- The larger stones weigh 413 pounds and the smaller...
Heartwarming Video of Gorillas Accepting Humans Into...
- The animal kingdom is a very special place.
Huge Whale Surfaces Out of Nowhere and Surprises...
- The folks are just cruising along when a whale...
Musician Proves that 'Screaming' Takes Talent by...
- Testing the myth that screaming doesn't take any...
Kid Has Learned a Valuable Life Lesson From Minecraft
- Don't waste your diamonds on hoes.
Boss Spends an Entire Year Scaring His Assistant
- At least she is a good sport about it.
The Best News Bloopers From July 2018
- A collection of news bloopers and funny moments will...
An Entire Factory Walked Off the Job After Two...
- A manufacturing plant shuts down for the day after all...
Dwayne The Rock Johnson Moves His Stunt Double To ...
- To show his appreciation to the man who performs his...
When a Freestyle Session Turns into a Complete Song
- A segment from "Sway in the morning" where a Snoop...
Creating a $20 Million Dollar Mirror for the World's...
- A 15-metric ton, off-axis mirrors for the Giant...
Aubrey Plaza Is Both Incredibly Hot And Awkward
- Compilation video of Aubrey Plaza being herself on tv.
Sasha Baron Cohen Is Back And He's Trolling Republicans
- A first look at Sacha Baron Cohen's new show out now...
20 of the Most Brutal Knockouts in the History of the...
- Hard hits, brutal kicks, and generally savage moments...
Reporter's Puny Umbrella is No Match for a Monsoon
- Meteorologist Krystle Henderson tried to file a live...
Think You Could Land a Plane Without Any Training?...
- We've all seen a movie where a novice lands a plane by...
Will Sasso Does a Hilarious Alex Jones and Jesse...
- This guy is just as talented as he is funny!
5 Secret Leaked Videos NASA Doesn't Want You To See
- Here are 5 videos NASA probably wishes would just go...
Good Citizens Work Together to Get a Drunk-Ass Driver...
- Some good Samaritans take action put a drunk driver...
South African KFC Trolls Neymar's Ridiculous Fake...
- You know you're full of sh*t when a fast food place...
The Best News Bloopers from June 2018
- A collection of odd, funny and WTF news bloopers from ...
Granny Loses It While Playing A Virtual Reality Game...
- Put the knife down granny it's just a game!
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