Cop Eats It While Slowly Chasing After Suspect
- He almost had him!
Media videos
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Streaker Gets Attacked by Lacrosse Players
- Save it for the locker room!
Man Gets Blasted by Pizza Oven
- Your face, cooked fresh!
Hostel Installs Tattoo Gun You Can Only Rent If...
- It’s terrible — I love it!
Man Testing Out Cheap Parachutes Has Balls of Steel
- Looks like skydiving isn’t a budget-friendly...
Scientists Taught Rats to Drive, and Now They Can’t...
- Pretty soon, we’ll have them committing tiny,...
Scientists Taught Rats to Drive, and Now They Can’t...
- Pretty soon, we’ll have them committing tiny,...
Car Crash Sends Deer Into Space
- One small step led to a giant leap for deerkind.
Waterslide Looks More Like a Torture Device
- Whee, ouch, whee, ouch!
‘Golf Cart Parade’ Ends in Old People Crashing...
- And you *know* that they were all hammered.
Flight Sim Obsessive Creates World’s Dumbest Planes
- Coming soon from Boeing!
Mormon Missionary Defeats Local Salvadorans in a...
- Talk about embracing local customs!
Woman Says She Went to Heaven, Claims Jesus Drives a...
- He sounds like a pretty chill dude!
Remembering the Time a Woman Got Helivac’d Into...
- You hear that? That’s the sound of lawsuit money...
Ape Slides Up to Camera Just to Show His Ass
- Everyone’s showing their behind to the camera these...
Joe Biden Wanders Off Into the Jungle, Ready to Begin...
- You’re finally free, buddy!
Woman Gets Trapped in Self-Driving Car Because She...
- Computer, how do I override and floor it?
Triathlete Asks Camera Not to Film Her Butt Because...
- This is why she’s a winner, folks!
Eye Doctor Gets Sucker Punched in the Middle of an Exam
- This is for that “shoot air into your eye” test!
Woman Gets Smacked by an Elephant
- That’s gonna leave a bruise!
Guy At Funeral Drops His Vape Pen Right on the Casket
- It’s what he would have wanted—on second thought,...
Group of People Gather to Watch Lions Mating, and...
- Well…now you know what a lion sounds like when it...
Gate Attendant Tries to Gaslight Customer into...
- Airlines have gotten pretty brazen recently.
Gorilla Intently Watches Another Ape Jerk It in Front...
- The zoo really is educational.
Here’s What Rocket League Looks Like in Real Life
- It doesn’t really work as well as it does in the...
‘Bear Attack’ on Rolls-Royce Was Just a Man in a...
- For the amount of effort this took, you could have...
Woman Climbs All Over Power Equipment, Knocks Out...
- Break out the candles!
Stevie Wonder Told Carmelo Anthony He ‘Loved...
- Sigh… Here we go again.
Mike Tyson Puts Fear of God in Child as He Talks About...
- You want to lighten it up a bit for the kid, Mike?
TikTokers Are Now Throwing Slices of Cheese at...
- If you were hit with a slice of cheese recently,...
Woman Listens to Her Boyfriend Gaming, Creates...
- It honestly would have been less embarrassing if she...
Truck Gets Turned to Dust by Oncoming Rental Van
- Hey, you’re not supposed to drive there!
Woman Can't Stop Slipping on Ice
- Careful!
Man Discovers Trollish Way to Guarantee You’ll Never...
- Finally, no more fighting over the armrests!
Guy Who Faked His Own Death Was (Allegedly)...
- Note: If a woman invites you to Uzbekistan, don’t go.
Remembering When the Yankees Announcer Was Hit in the...
- Strike, you’re out!
Man Demolishes His House in Most Epic Way Possible
- Beats just hitting the thing with a hammer.
Guy Doing Flips in Restaurant Gets a Booth to the Shins
- This is why people don’t do acrobatics at Denny’s.
Man Drives Through Gas Station, Knocks the Whole Thing...
- Hey, that was my favorite pump!
Trump’s New Secretary of Defense Once Hit a Man with...
- It was an accident. I think.
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