Trailer For 'Karen' Horror Movie is Pure, Distilled...
- This feels like a bad SNL skit.
Media videos
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Infuriated Karen Loses It, Gets Insta-Karma'd While...
- As if on a speedrun to fulfill the Karen stereotype,...
Karen Freaks Out at Airport, Demands to See 'Manager...
- I genuinely lost it the moment she started making that...
Anti-Masker's Solution to Store Requiring Face...
- She's basically Dutch oven-ing herself.
Karen's Magical Powers Fail to Stop a Police Taser
- During a confrontation with Police, this Karen...
Police Arrest Anti-Masker Karen for Trespassing
- She literally sounds like a toddler trapped inside in...
Raging Psycho Chick Gets a Hardcore Remix
- Musician and Youtuber Andre Antunes turns another...
Mom Looking For Help in Walmart Becomes Customer...
- "I know how it feels being on the other end of the...
The Time Richard Sherman Duked it out With a Karen...
- One reporter at Media Day wanted to question Richard...
Karen Records Police as Her Son is Arrested For Grand...
- "I want my son in my house right now." "Get back lady."
Crazy Karen Gets Picked Up and Removed From Store
- It's not 100% clear what exactly the argument was...
Karen Objects at her Own Son's Wedding
- A couple's happy day is ruined when a Mama Karen...
Karen Rant Gets Turned into a Heavy Metal Tune
- Musician and Youtuber Andre Antunes turned a Karen's...
Karen Complains She's "Discriminated Against" For Not...
- How did we get here?
Woman Crashes Her Car While Flipping Off Trump...
- The definition of instant karma.
Safety Swan Snaps a Mask Right Back on Lady's Face
- Safety first! Wear a mask! Stay away from swans!
Karens Gone Wild August 2020
- Reporting from the frontlines, these videos capture...
Restaurant Manager Puts Karen in Her Place After She...
- It's nice seeing a wild Karen in her natural habitat,...
'I'm Blocked In': Karen Demands Ambulance Treating...
- Karen is very dissatisfied with ambulance blocking her...
Hilarious Planet Earth Spoof Karen Earth, Is Spot On
- This needs to be a documentary on Netflix
Neighborhood Karen Harasses Pizza Delivery Guy Before...
- This woman was filmed harassing a pizza delivery man...
Karen Threatens to Shoot a Man When He Tells Her to...
- A crazy lady was confronted by another customer for...
Does "Karens Gone Wild" Mark the End of Karen Videos...
- We've moved past the need for Karen videos. We no...
Entitled Karen will NOT be Homeschooling Her Kids
- Karen flips her lid after learning that her kids won't...
Karen Calls Police On Man Sitting In His Car Outside...
- This Karen was filmed calling the police on a guy who...
Woman Pulls Gun on Mother and Daughter for Messing...
- Tensions escalated after a woman accidentally bumped...
Permit Karen Goes Viral After Feud With Her Black...
- What is wrong with people. Walk away Karen, this is...
Auntie Karen Goes off the Rails Ranting about Mask...
- She definitely vapes her Starbucks through her butt.
Karen Coughs in the Face of a Cancer Patient at Pier...
- Karen flips off and coughs a woman at Pier One Imports.
Neighbor Loses Her Mind Because Guy Mowed Flowers in...
- Guy has an unsettling encounter with a "Karen"...
Deborah Babers May Not be a Sex Slave But She is a...
- This video comes from a mask hearing in Ventura County...
The Fear in Karen's Eyes When She's Caught Coughing on...
- Her look at the end is one of someone who's about to...
Drunk Karen Demands To Know Who Driver Is Picking Up
- Driving Lyft for the night and I went to pick up a...
Angry Parking Lot Protector Gives Asian Guy a Piece of...
- The Karens and Nancy's have declared that it is time...
This Might Be The First 'Male Karen' Video We've Seen
- This man called the cops on two peaceful protestors.
Karen Has a Meltdown on Boaters Because Well, That's...
- "Unwelcomed" visitors to a private marina drives a...
Sidewalk Susan Shuts Down Kid's Chalk Drawings with a...
- Sidewalk Susan is back at it again doing her part to...
Husky Tries to Talk His Way out of Trouble after...
- Lalalalalala...I can't hear you Karen! A husky with an...
Karen Almost Has Full Body Shutdown Because She...
- For all her "symptoms" she somehow left out...
Karen Tries to Escape Tow Truck but Makes Things Much...
- Your brain must be completely smooth to think this was...
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