Little Girl Drops F-Bombs On Christmas
- Mom's not gonna be too happy with you Dad, you'd...
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Hilarious Prank On The Teacher's Whiteboard
- A clever prank disguised as a cute drawing on the...
Big-Ass Firework Goes Airborne!
- Smoke and fire make this giant firework look like a...
Jesus Rap Thug Life
- "My crew is big and keeps getting bigga, that's why...
Girls Peeking Into Bathroom Stalls Prank
- Hilarious reactions from women in the restroom.
Gene Goes Thug Life On Family Feud
- His perfect response to "Name something that has to be...
Guy Owns Annoying Kid In Checkout Line
- Some kid kept hitting this guy with his cart, while...
Woman Hit By Drone While Doing Yoga
- Just gotta get in a little closer for the shot... oops!
There's A Reason This Slide Is Closed
- This Russian man learns the hard way.
Human Rendition of a Humpback Whale
- Famed travel guide Rick Steve's girlfriend...
When Being Drunk And Stuck Goes Wrong
- This drunk guy stuck in a bathroom stall gets out in...
Lonely Cat Clones Itself
- Cat clones itself in order to have a friend...but...
Ukrainian Dukes Of Hazzard
- A truck gets some air, and the driver probably gives...
Worker Gets Catapulted By Pallet Jack
- Watch that first step , it's a doozy
The Most Awkward Wave Ever
- This guy's Wheel Of Fortune introduction is amazing!
Chef Ramsay's Best Recipe Ever is a Real Panty-Dropper
- He likes his birds popular and wet!
Livin' The Thug Life During People's Court
- Judging by his facial expression, the Bailiff knows...
The Stupidity Of Some People Is Amazing
- It's obvious that education is not so important to...
Biggest Overreaction To A Tackle Ever
- This takes flopping to a whole new level.
Dog Interrupts Live Weather Report
- He always wanted to be on TV, and this was his chance!
Contractor Takes A Break To Rub One Out
- Hey, they don't call him a "handy man" for nothing...
Giant Panda Tumbles Around In The Snow
- Snow came early this year, but this panda isn't...
Thug Life Sexist On Family Feud
- A hilarious answer from a contestant, who straight up...
Thug Life Sexist On Family Feud
- A hilarious answer from a contestant, who straight up...
Dogs Have A Spaghetti Eating Contest
- Place your bets now, who will reign as spaghetti...
Turkey Day Classic: Pregnant Thanksgiving Turkey Prank
- This girl gets upset when she thinks she cooked a...
The Everyday Struggle Of An Irish Wolfhound
- Every morning Walter tackles the stairs.....the...
Parrots Argue Like An Old Married Couple
- Watch as they hilariously argue back and forth
Jurassic Park Meets Ace Ventura
- A hilarious mashup from Jurassic Park and Ace Ventura.
Impressions of Celebrities Stuck in Traffic
- Spot on impressions of celebrities if they were stuck...
Golden Retriever Has Its Priorities Straight
- What would your dog do in this situation?
These Neo Nazis Were Tricked Into Marching Against...
- Tricked into taking part in a Walkathon aimed to...
A Tiny Hamster Thanksgiving
- Complete with a turkey and all the trimmings!
Mom Tells Son To "Come Right Now!" And Immediately...
- Well, she did say right now...
Great Dane Is Scared Of Stay Puft Costume
- This big dog is afraid of ghosts.
Kim Kardashian Makes Fresh Coffee
- Does this coffee smell weird? (Slightly NSFW)
Kid Trolls Reporter On Live TV
- The look on Michelle Roberts face says it all. (NSFW...
Twerking Gone Horribly Wrong
- This dance has never been dirtier!
The Ultimate Party Fouls Compilation
- Having a party? These guys will find a way to ruin it.
WTF Animatronic Barrel Barfing Robot
- Perfect decoration for parties, or whatever...
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