Minor League Player Slides Face First to Homeplate
- Announcer said his shoulder, but it looks like a...
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Meanwhile In China...
- Two scooters collide with each other.
2 Story Rope Swing Fail
- I don't think she is going to try that again.
Another Excuse To Not Lift Weights
- it is hard work to think up ways to be lazy...
Slap K.O
- I won't flinch I swear.
Fatty Gets a Knuckle Sandwhich...
- It got all over his face
Brazilian Model Gets Knocked Out...
- It didn't go like that in practice.
Pink Bigwheel Skull Smasher
- A lazy mom fails to help her kid over a break in the...
Balance Master Ball Blaster
- Balance master destroys his nuts on a log.
Tub Of Lard Creek Jump Fail
- A chunky kid tries to launch his tub on a skateboard...
Older Brother Soccer Headshot
- I remember doing stuff like this....
Arm Wrestling Fail
- Should just go back to GTLing brah.
A New Plant Grows... A Faceplant
- Tree Hug Fail
Soccer Sucker Kick
- To the neck. Edit: He may be facing attempted murder...
Bulls Vs People
- Because sometimes we just can't help but to root for...
Blindsided By Golfcart
- Look before you leap!
A Dog Named Lucky
- He gets run over and is OK. Is this Chuck Norris's dog
Idiot Hit By 2 Trucks
- Guy falls out of his truck then gets run over by...
Skateboarder Puts Himself To Sleep
- And possibly a coma!
Girl Dislocates Arm While Armwrestling
- Oh Snap!!!
Splinter From Hell
- With IED's, random people shooting at you, and the god...
Spectator Causes Crash
- Inside the last 20KM a spectator gets in the way of...
Parkour Jump Fail
- Hopefully that knocked some sense into him.
He Just F*cking Shot Himself!!!
- idiot shoots himself in the leg while trying to draw...
Bottle Rocket Lands In Pocket
- America, fuck yeah!
Slip-N-Slide Faceplant
- "It might not be slippery yet Lane..."
BMX Jump Landing Fail
- I like the cameraman's reaction.
Outdoor Backflip Fail
- That looked like it hurt.
Background Playground Fail
- oh phil....ya dun goofed
Bike Hits Girl at Race
- An accident at this race has a motorcycle flying at...
Pool Cleaning Faceplant
- Some surfaces can be slippery when you're wet.... and...
Kid Flies Out of a Moving Car
- these parents deserve to be drug out into the street...
Inverted Rappelling Rock Slam
- Another one bites the dust.
Tempest Freerunning Academy Nutshot
- I see it's getting harder and harder to get into...
Death Defying Gondola Tower Jump
- An insane woman leaps from a gondola tower into...
Motorcycle Vs Car
- Holy shit.
Little Kid Faceplants Into Kiddie Pool
- Awww, they start failing at such a young age.
Drunk Dude Falls All Over The Place
- This guy should just stay down
Rookie Hang Glider VS Gravity
- He's up up and away...... or not.
eBaum's Picks