Brian Williams' Clever Sex Joke On Air
- Finally, the government is doing what they normally...
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7 Reasons To Have More Sex
- Have more sex... because science told you to!
Funny, Gross, And Weird Animal Sex Facts
- The animal kingdom is FULL of perverts.
Are These Sex Fetishes Real Or Fake?
- Can you pick out the real from the fake in this list...
14 Sex Facts You Won't Believe Are True
- Corn Flakes will never be the same...
Teacher Caught Having Sex With Student
- His mugshot says it all.
How To Have Free Sex In Public
- Remi Gaillard, always relaxed, walks into town to met...
This Guy Really Loves His Scooter
- Thai man caught on camera erotically humping his...
- Apparently the fleshlight has its own music video...
Sex World Records
- These heroes make the world a better, sexier place.
TV Show Host Faints On Live TV
- She wasn't feeling so great and passes out during the...
Tortoise Mating Is Hilarious
- Wait for it... The climax is hilarious.
Norm's Best Joke On Weekend Update
- A hilarious series of jokes about whether men or women...
How To Move On
- You broke up with your ex. Forget her! She's not a...
Jonah Hill's Epic Airplane Sex Fail
- He tells the story of how he hit it off with a girl on...
What City Camera Operators Actually Do
- Probably the same thing I would do in this particular...
Strip Club's Special Lap Dance Deal...
- A "ballsy" marketing move by the management?
Grandma Wants Some Booty - Prank
- A lil ole lady asks random strangers for sex.
Lost Item At Baggage Claim
- So who is going to claim it?
Things You Didn't Know About Molly
- How much do you really know about MDMA / Ecstasy?
Cute Kitten About To Pounce
- Wait for it... wait for it.... pew!
Cricketer's Girlfriend Imitates Sex
- Chris Lynn's girlfriend doesn't know she's on TV... ...
MMA Fighter Quits Mid-Match
- Claudinei Angelo loses to Evilasio Silva, I'm guessing...
Weird Facts About Women
- Fast brains and smelly farts!
Hot Or Homeless?
- Girls just love dudes who don't try so hard...
8 Explosive Facts About Orgasms
- The sticky truth about "The Big O"...
Porn Sex vs. Real Sex
- The differences explained with food.
Porn Sex vs. Real Sex
- The differences explained with food.
Doggie Lovin' Accident
- Lazy and Butter's accident makes for some funny...
Man Caught Having Sex With A Bicycle
- CCTV catches a tire slasher in an unusual act...
Sex In The Woman's Bathroom Prank
- A funny prank with a great twist at the end!
Deviant Sexual Act #5 - The Super Mario
- Butts are like warp-pipes and should be used...
Antique Pornographic Watch
- It's FAP o'clock!
Pretty Woman Walkin Down The Street
- Breaking her ankles with those shoes on her feet!
Sex In Video Games
- What video game characters would be like doing the...
Percussionist Plays 4 Hot Asses
- The butt drum is just as good as any!
Pornhub's Rejected Super Bowl Commercial
- Is this ad real or fake?
The Science of 'Morning Wood'
- Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter...
The Dinner Party
- Tonight's main course...betrayal!
The Dinner Party
- Tonight's main course...betrayal!
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