Soccer Player Takes Kick to the Balls
- 0:18 Everybody chill out, I got this.
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Soccer Player's Dramatic Look at Referee
- Dramatic prairie dogs and cats can't compete with this...
Soccer Player Gives Little Kid a Keepsake Before the...
- What an honor...
One Dirty Game Of Soccer
- Kids Can Play Dirty Too!
Mom Kicks Son's Ball
- this is why it is usually left up to the father.
Best Soccer Fan Ever
- Kid pokes himself in the eye on live TV but doesn't...
Soccer Mom Absolutely Shredding on the Drums
- She's a pro, which I am sure is something her kids...
Soccer Commentator Headshot
- A commentator gets hit in the head by a soccer ball.
Insane Soccer Goal
- Tim Howard from goalkeeper to goalkeeper.
Homage To The Field Crasher
- All of this for 5 seconds of fame and felony charges
Fat Soccer Player
- He's better than you think...until the ball gets away...
Ridiculous Soccer Goal
- How ridiculous? Well, you just watched soccer. THAT's...
Goalie Scores On Himself
- Did the other guy get the credit for the assist?
Older Brother Soccer Headshot
- I remember doing stuff like this....
Soccer Sucker Kick
- To the neck. Edit: He may be facing attempted murder...
Over Enthusiastic Womens Soccer Fan
- I guess mens sports would be too much for him.
Soccer Fans Team Is Losing
- Lucky rabbits foot? Hell no. He goes for some thing...
Now That's How to Celebrate a Win
- Like Father Like Son...there's a baby sleeping in the...
Massive Rumble Between Fans
- Soccer Fans gone crazy...120 sluggers from FC CSKA...
Soccer Goal Showoff Kick
- they're jelly
Violent Police Arrest
- A police arrest during a soccer game gets out of hand...
Soccer Fail
- You'll never guess the ending.
Prank Fail
- Karma at it's best.
Most Fugly Soccer Foul Ever
- Wait for it....Ouch!
Soccer Player Headshot
- Boom. Head shot
Soccer Player Self Slap
- Why are you hitting yourself?
Don't Ever Celebrate on a Bus Roof
- especially when there are wires hanging
Funny Newsbomb
- Football fan gets a little frisky behind the back of a...
Adding Insult to Injury
- A "medic" ASSists in helping an injured player off of...
Brutal Soccer Tackle
- That's what you get for wearing a pink jersey
Soccer Post Pinheads
- Must be hard kicking a small ball into such a big...
Sneaky Penalty Kick Owns Goalie
- For The Last Time Guys, Goalkeepers Are Suppose To...
Fastest Goalie In The World
- Well, Looks Like Rooney Just Got Owned
Broken Hearted Man Jumps Off Bridge...Cop Jumps TOO!
- Cops stop a man walking on a free way who escapes by...
Soccer Tit Slap
- The reactions are just priceless.
Kung-Fu Soccer Kick
- He wasn't using that part of his face anyway.
Soccer Reporter Headshot
- Nice aim, alles klar?
Fat Guy Always on Television
- Mysterious British man always appears in the...
Naked Shemale on Soccer Field in Brazil
- Here's something you don't see everyday. Except in...
Soccer Player Puts Sleeper Hold on Ref
- Security is called to protect the ref.
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