Unluckiest Bank Robber In The World
- Of all the days he chooses to rob a bank, he chooses...
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Ellies Amazing Vocabulary
- This baby only knows how to swear.
Kid Tosses Cookies All Over Girl
- ....just slimed her.
Most Selfish Dog In The World
- what a bitcharooniedoonie
Hurdle Fail
- Sorry Taylor, maybe next time...
Boom Boom Boom Weehoo
- Let me hear ya say weehoo
Cheating In High School
- i'd like to see him take a test with essays and fill...
Brian Treybig Covers Cherub Rock by the Pumpkins
- Played all the instruments myself and yes, that's my...
If NES Games Sounded Realistic
- They'd most probably sound like this.
Puppet Stops a Robbery
- if only we had more heroes like this...
Baby Falls Asleep With Dog On Couch
- You are getting very sleepy, veeerrry sleepy. Hey, its...
Baby Scared Of Dinosaur Toy From Toy Story
- The ultimate irony is that he is dressed as a dinosaur...
Elated Fan in Pink Shirt Freaks Out
- Caption this
Bassist Fails Showing Off
- Way to go, asshole.
Parked Illegally
- sir... sir you're going to have to move
Times Square Hack
- If this is real, that guy is a genius.
Christian Chick Thanks God For The Tragedies In Japan
- wait... what?!
Boy vs Glass Door
- He just got smarter!
Lady Cops Weird Face
- It looked like she was out of breath or holding back a...
George Michael Sexy Sax Prank
- No one respects art anymore.
Man Resists Arrest
- Which is a bad idea as he gets the taser gun.
Most Fugly Soccer Foul Ever
- Wait for it....Ouch!
Even This Perfect Faceplant Doesn't Impress Chinese...
- keep cool, no need to rush. We are off duty!!
Crackhead Talking Hard Gets Told and Starts Crying
- "I never laid a hand on a woman on my fuckin' life,...
Dude Busted Peeing on Car
- He had to piss on the one with a TV crew in it at...
Grandpa Wants Bieber Dead
- Apparently he didn't watch that CSI episode...
Delivery Man Wheelie
- "Hey guys, watch this!"
Old Man Throws Dog Poop At Dog Owner
- Throw the poo poo
Best Stunt Compilation Ever
- Extreme funny home made stunts and accidents with the...
Charlie Sheen's Winning Vlog Rant
- Charlie discusses trolls, magic trays, and hacking off...
Flipping Idiot Faceplant
- A flipping idiot launches off of a balcony and lands...
They See Me Rollin
- Don't hate! Guy is rolling down street in hospital...
Moving Backflip Double Fail
- Fails twice
Japanese Magic
- These guys really are good.
Racial Brawl at Taco Del Rio
- out of all of this, the sucker punch at the beginning,...
Choir Singer Takes A Nap
- Well, that was unexpected.
Miscarriage Death Penalty
- Georgia Lawmakers are trying to make women who have a...
- A truck load of pigeons is released, and those birds,...
Winning Excitement
- A group of dancers wins a competition and one of them...
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