Man VS Beast
- Man faces off against beast in this game of Wii Boxing.
Media videos
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Bloody Thumbnail
- Here's one (gross) way to take care of blood...
Automated Phone Sex
- If you have ever had to deal with one of these...
Spelling Bee
- This kid has to spell a hard, and funny word.
Japanese TV Show
- This Japanese TV show uses people like Tetris pieces.
Paris Hilton
- A Paris Hilton supporter loses it when it is announced...
Cop KOs Old Lady
- Reaching into a cop's pocket is a surefire way to get...
When did 9/11 happen?
- Some of our best and brightest answer one of the...
Head On
- Notice the guy bailing out of the train right before...
Happy Gilmore Recut
- A great recut of Happy Gilmore turning it into a...
Big Ball Hit
- These big balls have done more for slapstick comedy...
Spelling Bee Champ
- I'm sure that being home schooled hasn't had any...
Gay Dancers Parody
- Remember those gay dancers? Well it turns out that...
Pay Your Bills
- Here is yet another good reason to pay your bills.
Medical Show Parody
- A hilarious parody of all of the popular medical shows.
Perpetual Mario 2
- Another Mario level that beats itself for all the lazy...
Pickle Surprise
- I have no clue to what is going on in this video.
Motorcycle Hit
- Is this guy trying to burn out in the middle of a...
Goodfellas Recut
- I always knew there was something weird going on...
Akon Slam
- Rapper Akon doesn't take kindly to fans throwing stuff...
Bike Skills
- We're sure that this trick took years to master.
Tastes Like Gravy
- A hilarious song parodying Gnarls Barkley's crazy.
Milkshake Remix
- These guys bring us a "harmonic" version of the...
The N Word
- Here is a guide to when white people can use the N...
Soccer Fans
- These soccer fans let this poor reporter have it.
Passed Out Prank
- Never pass out around these guys.
ADD Kid Sings The Alphabet Song
- Classic: Someone get this kid his ritalin!
Manager Blowup
- Classic: This manager has set the bar a little higher...
Crazy Britney Spears Fan
- This loser breaks down and cries about people bashing...
Ultimate Stunt Master
- This guy is the king of motorcycle stunts.
Spelling Bee
- This kid has a great reaction to spelling a tough word.
Sensitivity Training
- Here is what goes on at sensitivity training at a coed...
Rick Roll'd
- A radio station DJ "Rick Rolls" a kid who requests an...
Crazy World
- This mother gets her young daughter airbrushed so that...
Insane Burnout
- It looks like everyone should leave the burnouts to...
Cat Eats With Fork
- This cat has better table manners than most people.
Graceful Figure Skater
- This figure skater glides over the ice with amazing...
Ten Things
- This cute girl shows us ten things that you will never...
Worms on Face
- If this is for real it is really disgusting.
Fountain Prank Backfire
- This guy tries to pull off the fountain prank, but it...
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