Clever Dog
- This dog is smart enough to get something out of the...
Media videos
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Mona Lisa MS Paint
- The Mona Lisa made entirely in MS Paint.
Militant Black Guy
- This guy goes around acting like a militant black guy,...
Feeding Time
- Bass versus mouse, but the bass has home field...
Anna Nicole Smith Smurfs
- Anna Nicole Smith plays here best role ever as...
My Humps
- Alanis Morissette proves that you can make any song...
Trick Bowling
- How did something like this wind up on TV?
Sucker Punch
- This old timer gets sucker punched by a man trying to...
Wrestling is Fake
- We all know that wrestling is... DAMN! OUCH!
Little Person Prequel
- The prequel to the little person getting arrested from...
Harry Caray
- This soldier does a hilarious Harry Caray impression...
Crazy Wrestler
- This wrestler forgets that it's all an act during a...
Bell Rung
- This quad rider meets a metal wall face first.
Little Person Arrested
- This little guy goes crazy when the cops show up. At...
Cute Hamster
- A very cute hamster enjoying his first piece of...
Bike into Truck
- I don't think this guy just got up and walked away...
Sparkling Wiggles
- You won't believe what this cute kid's parents are...
Hot Foot
- I think this guy was on fire a bit too long.
Redneck Thrill Ride
- Here is the most popular attraction at hillbillyville...
Bad Robbery
- A store clerk gets nailed in the head with a fire...
Milk a Cow
- The hottest toy around! Learn how to milk a cow!
How to Hustle
- This hot girl teaches you another way to hustle a free...
Another Horny Dolphin
- Sharks aren't the only thing to watch out for at the...
What a Save
- This guy is amazingly skilled to be able to save...
Karl Rove Rap
- Karl Rove rapping and dancing has to be a sign of the...
Dolphin in Love
- This guy seemed to enjoy this a bit too much.
Bruce Lee Painting
- This wacky guy paints Bruce Lee using only karate...
Close Call
- This guy nearly gets decapitated by an out of control...
Cute Otters
- It doesn't get much cuter than this...
Best Movie Line
- The best thing about cheesy horror movies are the...
Attempted Assassination
- The video from the attempted assassination of Prince...
Wrestling Mistakes
- A compilation of mistakes in wrestling that either...
Eddie Griffin Enzo Crash
- Eddie Griffin crashes a 1.5 million dollar Ferrari...
Corwin Attacked
- Jeff Corwin nearly gets his arm ripped off by an...
Prank Causes Stroke
- Two 13 year old girls prank call this lady acting like...
Monkey Loving
- The classic "monkey loving" clip dubbed over...
Long Nails
- This woman has grown some very nasty talons, I mean...
Amazing Table
- With this table and the folding sofa we featured you...
TMNT Hardcore
- It's a little known fact that during the late 80's the...
Driving in Iraq
- And you thought your commute was bad.
eBaum's Picks