Mountain Bike Trick Fail
- Pretty sure that REALLY hurt
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As The Team Fumbles...
- It actually results in a great play.
Another Airbag Pilot
- Great, now everyone's going to try riding airbags
Tae Kwan Do Backflip Fail
- Nice follow through. I'm not going to tell him he's a...
Angry Office Worker Knocks Himself Out
- At least he didn't start shooting people.
Awesome Bucket Drummer
- Musician plays iron frying pans and buckets? He's damn...
Mad Packing Skills
- This guy packs like a pro!
Grabbin Boob on National TV
- Nothing better than grabbing boob, except grabbing...
Walrus Situps
- Walrus does situps like Rocky
I Taped Myself For You
- Am I a pretty girl momma?
Ultimate Prank Gone Bad
- Did she died?
German Spazzes Out and Falls Off Balcony
- Guy is pissed off and throws furniture off his...
Iowa State Football Player Scooter Crash
- This is what Josh Koeppel getiting hit by a car on a...
Skater Chick Faceplant
- Skater falls about 15 feet straight onto her face.
World's Worst Snorer
- I'm pretty sure I'd suffocate him in his sleep.
Stripper Pole Dance Fail
- These never get old, just more and more painful
Hot Girls Eat Pavement
- Aaaaaaaand we're done
Skateboarding Close Call
- Kid skitching behind a bike and almost ends up a hood...
Lucky Butterfly
- Butterfly lands on the water only to be snapped up by...
Girl Crashes Moped
- Scooter Powa!! Oops.
Hot Chick Headbang Fail
- Chick tries a little too hard to rock out with her...
Little Kid Prank Goes Bad
- Funniest part is the kid getting smashed in the skull...
Awesome Bike Stunt
- This skilled trickster just barely brushes the breast...
Sick Joke in Childrens Cartoon...
- LOL WTF is going on in cartoons?!?
Jessi Slaughter - Kerligirl13 - Original Video
- Video that stemmed the hate here:...
The "World's Most Fearless" Animal
- That little guy stops for nothing to get its food....
Soccer is the Devil's Sport
- A little tribute I made for this redneck who is afraid...
Texas Crash Creates Fireball
- Raw video of crash creating a fireball on highway....
Blonde Firing Guns Takes Hot Casing Down Bra!
- Blonde girl firing some guns and looks like she is...
Dog Meets Bambi
- Sorry the ending was cut off, a dear appeared and beat...
Men Try To Trade Weed In Exchange For An Ipad On...
- all that weed they have and they couldn't buy one.
Voyer Video of Anna Kornikova Nude!
- amazing body she has there!
Reunion of Gorilla and Man
- Damian Aspinall reunites with a gorilla he raised...
Smoking Baby
- This baby smoke 2 packs a day
Frontflip Faceplant
- Guy's a little too strong for this girl, flips her...
Tree Flip Fail
- That had to hurt
Police Explosives Fail
- Cops almost kill themselves using way too much...
Booty Shaker Rips Pants
- Next time don't buy knock off spandex.
Sledding Girl vs Tree
- Tree always wins
102 Push-Ups in 30 seconds
- his head must hurt
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