Meet The Man Who Shoots At Birds All Day To Keep Them...
- If migrating species land on the Berkeley Pit for more...
Media videos
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Keyboard Drum Instructor Sets Bar Incredibly High
- You said it guy, this is rock n' roll!
Angry Mom Calls Up Guy Who Beat Her Son in Fortnite,...
- Tis the life of an elite gamer. This poor kids mother...
Squeaky Dryer Begins an Incredible Musical Duet Chain
- Sometimes the 'old' Internet shines through and you're...
Fake Yo-Yo Master Schemes His Way Onto a Local Morning...
- Before he landed roles on famed shows such as, 'The...
'Star Wars: The Old Republic' Gets Much-Anticipated...
- "Star Wars: The Old Republic" is widely considered by...
Drunk Dude Crashes Little Person Wrestling Match and...
- After this guy made a bet with his friend, he jumped...
Dude Pranks Gas Station With Fake Promo, Goes Viral...
- Kyle Scheele put up a lifesize cutout of himself...
Watching this Guy Build a Lego Car to Cross Increasing...
- Testing a Lego car against longer and longer gaps that...
The Many Embarassing Glitches of the 'GTA Trilogy'...
- Seriously, Rockstar, what the hell happened here?
'All Gas No Brakes' Interview With Gang Member Takes...
- Crip Mac is a local celebrity on his neighborhood...
Mom's Gargling Reminds Dad of the Good Ol' Days
- The mom's smirk at the end is what got me. She knows...
Gamer Defeats GF's Ultimatum With Ease
- It'll take more than your petty riddles to defeat me,...
Marilyn Monroe Speaking Candidly About Sexuality,...
- This audio clip just goes to show that she was far...
Joe Rogan Claims He Can Suck His Own D--K
- During a conversation on the issues with letting women...
Adele Helps Fan Pull Off Surprise Proposal
- Gonna be hard to top that!
Mike Shinoda Chill AF With Reporter Who Didn't Realize...
- Linkin Park frontman/rapper Mike Shinoda has...
Nicole Kidman Unrecognizable as Herself or Lucille...
- I wasn't sure it was possible, but this looks even...
12 First-Aid Myths Debunked by Paramedics
- Some of these can actually lead to serious...
Alligator Growls Right at Camera, Sound is Next Level...
- The American Alligator is capable of emitting a...
Dude Wonders How Someone Got Stuck in Freezer, Finds...
- He nearly put his life on the line in his quest for...
International Security Expo Crashed by YouTuber w/...
- He literally gave his name as 'Rob Banks' and they...
A.I. Writes Some Stand-Up Comedy that Goes from Zero...
- I'm not sure I've ever heard a more savage heckle than...
Emergency Responder Shares Insane Things Heard on the...
- Being a first responder is no joke, but that doesn't...
Jeff Bezos' GF Caught Thirstin' For Leonardo DiCaprio
- Leo's about to get banned from Prime.
Visualizing the Danger of Cleaning the Chernobyl...
- The sheer scope of radiation the Chernobyl cleanup...
Dude Fleeing Cops Doesn't Think Things Through
- Sorry bro, the 'stay underwater until they leave'...
Brooklyn Deli Firebombed by Dude Salty Over Being...
- Thankfully, no one involved sustained any major...
Christmas Segment With Depressed Santa and Drunk Elves...
- If someone told me this was actually an unaired 'Tim...
This Autonomous Trash Eating Robot Is Helping to Clean...
- Mark Rober and TeamSeas .org join forces to educate...
The Greatest (and shortest) Golf Interview of All Time
- An interview with World Record holding Long Driver...
Perp Easily Outruns Extremely Unfit Cops
- I'm guessing there's no regular physical fitness...
Joe Exotic & Gang All Back For 'Tiger King 2'
- For better or worse, 'Tiger King' is back.
Watching this Extremely Rare Lighter from D-Day 1944...
- This is an EXTREMELY rare and special war relic likely...
CEO Sells for $1.2 Billion, Gifts Employees $10k Cash,...
- Spanx CEO Sara Blakely made sure to take care of her...
School Fights Drop Way Down After 'Dads on Duty' Show...
- Their presence in the hallways has completely changed...
A Robotic Arm with Artificial Muscles and Full Range...
- This robotic arm is operated by water and consumes...
Rube Goldberg Machine Plays 'Careless Whisper'
- Masterfully done.
Austin Powers 'Mass Effect' Mashup Shouldn't Be So Good
- This had no right to be as well-done as it was.
A Robot That Flies, Walks, Skateboards, and Even...
- The 'LEONARDO' drone tackles the problem of landing on...
eBaum's Picks