Flight Attendant Sent Flying into Beverage Cart During...
- Nervous passengers during a very turbulent flight got...
Media videos
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Hockey Player Yeets Himself from the Rink After an...
- This player scored a goal and went to jump up against...
Streamer Finds Out How Used Japanese Panties Really...
- These vending machines were a thing of legend, but...
Pedestrians Compare the 'Autoblow' to Real Oral Sex
- Now introducing the Autoblow 2.0 with extra teeth.
Barcelona Pianist Calmly Plays 'Eternal Flame' While...
- This might be the most perfect visual metaphor for how...
Guy Plays 'Zelda' on a Real Ocarina with Way Too Much...
- Streamers have far too much time on their hands.
Walmart Employee Roasts Coworkers over PA System...
- She does what we all wish we had the balls to do.
DemAnon Is the Latest Conspiracy That's Totally Real...
- This is the political version of giving "crazy eyes"...
DemAnon Is the Latest Conspiracy That's Totally Real...
- This is the political version of giving "crazy eyes"...
Guy Accidently Sets His Car on Fire during World...
- This dude was doing donuts in an intersection after...
McDonald's Refuses to Comply With Court Order to...
- A judge has ruled that the fast-food franchise must...
Unlucky Wrestler Hypes up the Crowd to Watch Him Break...
- His knee looked at him and just said, "Nope!"
Pathetic Cheater's Aimbot Hack Malfunctions and He...
- He's such a poor shot he can't even aim at a person...
Anti-aging Pill Sales Rep Learns She's Selling Poison
- A pill to cure aging? Yeah it kills you instantly,...
Wendy Williams Bizarre Behavior on a Recent Episode...
- On the October 23rd episode of "The Wendy Williams...
Strangers Try to Guess Who's a Virgin and Fail Wildly
- This Nickelodeon game show was quickly cancelled for...
Go inside Leatherface's House in 'Call of Duty' for a...
- This is one of the cooler parts of the game's...
Possible Psychopath Builds an Extremely Creative...
- While playing 'Planet Coaster' Youtuber 'Let's Game...
This is How The Milk Industry Lied To The World
- We’re told that milk is important for a strong...
Suspect Throws Torch Inside Seattle Police Officer's...
- The suspect can be seen in the video using a burning...
Tensegrity Chair Doesn't Look like It Should Work but...
- Proof that conflict keeps the world afloat.
Hunter Holds His Ground Vs Charging Elk
- This is a moment you talk about for the rest of your...
Dive Team Finds the Body of a Missing Boy in Minutes...
- A team of volunteer divers who have their own Youtube...
Street Performer Swings Flaming Hot Wok While Dancing...
- While it's tempting to make "wok this way" jokes,...
Guy Makes a Joke Reality by Playing 'DOOM Eternal' on...
- Getting distracted by your fridge has never been...
How Fast the New XBox's 'Quick Resume' Function Really...
- The transitions are seamless, bro. F***ing seamless.
Terrified Hiker Tries Swearing at Mountain Lion to...
- This must have been scary as hell, but his voiceover...
Footage from a Covid Prom Night Is Seriously Strange
- What a strange year it has been.
Footage from a Covid Prom Night Is Seriously Strange
- What a strange year it has been.
Bridezilla Demands Her Boyfriend Commit in Impromptu...
- "I brought a pastor, she is my maid of honor, you are...
Alex Jones Doesn't Realize Writer's Mascot Pitch,...
- Wow, they don't even smell his sarcasm.
The Commercial that Killed a Fast Food Chain
- While it hasn't died out entirely, a disastrous ad...
CNN Reporter Deals With Racoon Seconds Before Going...
- Seconds before going live, veteran reporter Joe Johns...
Wendy Williams Has a Weird Way of Saying 'Corona'
- Once I can chalk up to being a fluke, but she flubbed...
The inside of Sony's PS5 Is Surprisingly Minimal
- Here's what a $500 Wi-Fi router/Blu-ray player looks...
All Hell Breaks Lose in Crazy Family Trip To the Zoo
- This video has everything. A young boy puking in his...
Guy Shows How 'Pro Gamers' Live in Absolute Squalor
- If your kid is thinking of getting on Twitch, show...
Freeloading Tenant Freaks Out When Landlord Changes...
- When the landlord refused, she threatened to kill her...
Cemetery Security Guard Films Spooky Night Shift
- This viral TikTok follows a security guards experience...
Karen Complains She's "Discriminated Against" For Not...
- How did we get here?
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