Florida Women Don't Need Masks or Underwear as Long as...
- "Ma'am, this is an Arby's. Either order something or...
Media videos
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Testing a $35,000 Bomb Suit against One Grenade
- All product reviews should be as straightforward as...
Guy Fills His Desktop With Beans and Hires a Repairman...
- Hey man there are beans in here.
Deborah Babers May Not be a Sex Slave But She is a...
- This video comes from a mask hearing in Ventura County...
US Navy Releases First Ever Video of a Laser Shooting...
- Installed aboard the USS Portland, the...
Youtuber Shares the Videos of All His Rockets That...
- A collection of model rockets and their launches that...
Friends Watch in Awe as a Young "Karen" Breaks up with...
- Future Karen dumps guy and he should be happy with...
Lost Owen Wilson Commercial for Italian Soda Brand Is...
- Someone needs to put Owen Wilson back in his cage.
Wild Shootout In Washington DC Captured On Home...
- The mayhem lasts less than two minutes. Some of the...
Video of Alleged Terrorists in Netherlands Getting...
- An undercover operation catches a group of terrorists...
Officer Scrambles for Answers after Pulling Man over...
- You can hear how scared this white officer is of this...
Racism Is Over Thank You Celebrities
- Phew, that was easier than I thought it was going to...
Dunking Aluminum Can in Drain Cleaner Reveals Plastic...
- Do all soda cans have this weird little plastic bag on...
NYPD Police Boss Goes Off On Media and Legislature,...
- Mike O'Meara, the head of the NYPD police union...
Kid Building 30 ft. Tall Lego Towers Is Mindless...
- These towers aren't the world's biggest (by far) but...
Asking Cops The Same Silly Questions They Ask Us, Cop...
- James Freeman is the loudmouth who got into a tussle...
Miami PD's Elite Bike Force In Action is a Sight to...
- Somehow this is way funnier than I expected and I...
Karen Confuses Don King With Martin Luther King Jr
- I did your speech in high school! oh no!
TikTok and Cops Do Not Mix Well Together...Ever (2...
- These self-owns are almost more damaging than anything...
'Dummy': The Quibi Show About a Woman Who Befriends...
- Yes, Dummy is a show where Anna Kendrick starts...
A Demonstration of What Sexual Attraction Looks Like
- Nick Sparks gives his male audience a masterclass in...
Kid's "Knowledge Scooping" Hack Makes Reading Obsolete
- And here I was thinking I had to read all those words...
Miami PD's Elite Bike Squad Video Became the Laughing...
- These officers are the elite of the elite”. A look...
Graceful Swan Face Plants and Nearly Dies in Epic Pool...
- When the bail is more impressive than the make.
LA Protestor Gets Absolutely Stuffed by a Dumpster
- When rioting goes wrong.
National Guard Shoot Family Standing on THEIR Own...
- Americans standing on their own private property are...
Anonymous Sends a Message to The Minneapolis Police...
- In their first video in many years, Anonymous has...
Jake Paul Spotted Among Looters In Arizona Shopping...
- The YouTuber was seen on camera walking through an...
Principal Gets Outed for Stealing Entire Graduation...
- Students from Parkersburg High shared a video of their...
70-Step Rube Goldberg Basketball Shot Is Worth 3...
- Only now would anyone have the time to build something...
Ellen Forces Mariah Carey To Admit She's Pregnant, She...
- Classic clips of Ellen being a total slimeball. Why do...
Home Security Camera Captures Insane Backyard Crash at...
- A gray SUV comes smashing through the fence and goes...
Dude Gets Tangled in His Parachute and Skirts Death...
- If you can walk away from this unscathed you shouldn't...
Fake Marine Bragging About Being a Badass Gets Called...
- When acting like a tough guy gets put to the test,...
Toronto Police Confront Man Filming Arrest, Look Like...
- These two officers are straight out of a comedy.
Dude Brags About Having 3,000 Instagram Followers...
- Okay, Mr. 3,000 no one cares, also put on a mask.
Second Michigan Dam Breaks Threatening 10,000 People...
- Two dams in Michigan have breached and Governor...
Prisoner Develops Genius Method for Cooking Burritos...
- Cellblock Chipotle is the hot new spot around town.
Drunk Woman Exemplifies How Many Americans Will Return...
- Some folks are ready to go out and catch that virus...
Coyote Chases Road Runner Just like "Looney Tunes"...
- Knowing these two animals actually do chase each other...
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