Woman Attempting to Prepare an Octopus is the WTF...
- Seriously, wtf did I just watch?
Media videos
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Teachers Call Cops on 6 Year Old with Downs Syndrome...
- Absolute misinterpretation of state law.
Insane Indian Action Film Has One Man Unironically...
- This makes Michael Bay look positively tame in...
Remembering the Time Someone Thought Ice Cube...
- *Looks around at present-day* Actually, this explains...
Millennial Douche Ruins the Vacation Plans of 250...
- After he ruined the vacation plans for over 250 people...
Cringey Indian TikTok "Joker" Finds His Gimmick, Milks...
- Indian TikToker @rizxtarr is apparently gunning to be...
Two Men Caught Firebombing a Police Car with Police...
- Two juveniles throw petrol firebombs onto a police car...
Real Life George Costanza Causes Chaos at the...
- Why was George Costanza even *at* this diversity...
Jason Momoa Reveals a Different Side of Himself in...
- Finally, I feel like he and I have something in common!
Music Video for Song Called 'Forplay' is Quite the...
- The fact that this dude can't even spell "foreplay"...
Dude Breaks Down Men Being Sexually Assaulted Played...
- Pop Culture Detective dissects a disturbing trend in...
Nasty Coworker Enjoys the Break-room Cake as a Single...
- Don't trust community treats! This Karen monster...
The Worst Five Minutes of News You'll Ever See
- These Toledo News anchors just did their best...
Fox News Hosts Laughs At Trump Before Cutting Away...
- Get it out Donald.
Bryan Cranston Remakes ‘The Shining’ for a...
- That last half-second is gonna haunt me forever.
Monkey Attempts to Kidnap a Baby In front of a...
- A terrifying moment when a primate had its eyes set on...
Street Performer Lets Go of His Fire Stick and...
- Fire spinning street performer catches someones house...
Double Murder Suspect Trying For an Insanity Plea Has...
- Maybe if this guy spent more time practicing his...
Carol Vorderman Flaunts Her Welsh as She Does The...
- Welsh sounds like the fake language people make when...
Kobe Bryant's Death by Helicopter Was Predicted in 2017
- Yo, this sh*t is getting out of control.
'Woke' Comedian Ari Shaffir Laughs About Kobe's Death
- Ohh funny man over here, big ole tough guy.
Energy Healer Gives Julianne Hough The Exorcism of Her...
- In Davis Switzerland, Julianne Hough showcases a...
The 'Electrical Outlet' Challenge Is Extremely...
- The new TikTok penny outlet challenge is even dumber...
Vice Reporter Points a Thomson Loaded with Drum Mags...
- The reporter points a Thompson that had a drum mag in...
Dude's AlienCon Interviews Go Completely Off the Rails
- The truth is out there, brother.
Miami Police Captain Javier Ortiz Identifies as a...
- This whole exchange is like something out of a bad...
Lyft Driver Won't Let Passengers Out After Being Asked...
- Micheal the Vegas Lyft driver doesn't seem to enjoy...
Aggressive Rooster Named "Kyle" Attacks Its Owner
- Kyle the Rooster doesn't respect his owner, but it's...
Father Tackles Son’s Opponent After Illegal Move at...
- Dad doesn't want his boy getting injured! Barry Lee...
Cruel Lady Pranks Her Boyfriend with Some Pudding and...
- I'd have just got it amputated at that point. A woman...
Colliding Cars Nearly End the Lives of a Few...
- From Tula, Russia: There was an attempt for an SUV to...
Dude Realizes He Just Got Caught Cheating on Camera
- Here's hoping your wife wasn't watching the game,...
News Anchor's Reaction to Co-Host's Toothbrush...
- Watch this muted before you turn the sound on.
Driver Honks at a Stuck Car and it Hurtles Right into...
- If only there had been warning signs! That driver...
Hot Mic Catches Warren Accosting Sanders After The Dem...
- "Did you call me a liar on national TV?"
The Woman Who F***s Tom Hanks in the Movie 'Big'
- This was always the part of the movie that I had the...
Virginia Declares State of Emergency After Armed...
- Governor Ralph Northam has declared a state of...
Convicted Sex Offender Claims He's an 8 Year Old Girl
- Joseph Gobrick argued that child porn found at his...
Icy Disaster Narrowly Avoided by a Cursing Trucker
- A trucker was headed to Bend, Oregon when two trucks...
Ex-NHL Player Now Spends His Days Yelling at People...
- Sean Avery played for the Detroit Red Wings, Los...
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