Comedian Regrets Doing Crowdwork After Learning a...
- Greg Stone finds out about an audience member's recent...
Media videos
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Biker Throws His Arms Up in Frustration at the Car...
- The St. Petersburg Police Department needs help to...
Big Girl Takes a Tumble After Sitting on a Sink Counter
- Well, that went pretty much exactly how I expected it...
The Most Annoying Machine in the World, Clearly...
- What kind of lunatic would invent a machine that...
Jet Car Goes from 0 to 628 MPH in 50 Seconds
- Bloodhound LSR completed high speed testing with V...
Dude Ice Skates on a Frozen Lake and It's Terrifyingly...
- My god, what if you heard a cracking sound? Myk...
Woman Fleeing The Scene of a Car Crash Immediately...
- An Austrian woman gets into a car crash after trying...
Pet Shop Employee Fired after Dropping a Dog on a...
- Warning: Shocking / Twitch streamer "RipRoyce" was...
Streamer Shuts Down All The Thirsty Fans In Her DMs
- Brittany Venti doesn't care how polite or nice you...
Two Very Painful Overbids On The Price Is Right
- These two were so close but just a little bit over...
Girl Leaves Her Boyfriend of 3-Years To Meet Rapper...
- This boyfriend was in disbelief when his girlfriend...
Houthi Drone Gets Shot Out Of The Sky
- Wow, now this is amazing.
George Foreman Hitting The Heavy Bag Is A Pure Force...
- This dude was strong, like really really strong.
Protesters In Chile Use Lasers and Molotov Cocktails...
- An army of lasers and Molotov cocktails force Chilean...
Prince Andrew Says He Couldn't Have Sleep With...
- Prince Andrew sat down with the BBC to 'clear' the air...
Guy Shoots At Cobra Twice But Only Manages To Piss Her...
- This deadly cobra attacked after dodging two bullets...
Car Drives Over Man's Foot While He Naps on a Work...
- If you're going to take a nap on the street you should...
Resident Records as a Burning Food Truck Suddenly...
- At 5:50 am the witness was woken up to a loud bang and...
Ring Doorbell Camera Captures Horrifying Screams of a...
- The home owner is seen walking out onto her porch as...
FedEx Trainee Casually Tosses a Package With a $1500...
- A Fedex employee in training lobs a package about 15...
Cop Tackles and Pins 15-Year-Old Quadruple Amputee in...
- An explosive video, first obtained by KOLD News 13,...
Senators Speech on Gun Violence Is Interrupted By News...
- Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut was talking...
Senators Speech on Gun Violence Is Interrupted By News...
- Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut was talking...
Girl Gets Way, Way Too Friendly with Her Dog
- This is the definition of "WTF?!?!"
Flat Earther Claims To Have "Disproven" Gravity
- These Flat Earth phonies need to knock it off, this is...
Mysterious, Echoing Howl a Hunter Heard Has Us Freaked...
- YouTuber Sturgill Blackstar explains "Me, my wife and...
MMA Fighter's Plan Goes Terribly Wrong as He's Knocked...
- "I've made a huge mistake" is what he probably thought...
Woman Demands A Refund From A Burger King That's On...
- This is what we call a final form Karen. How do we...
Waking Up In A Bathtub After A Long Night of Drinking
- Hey give this guy and his one night stand some privacy.
Comedian Asks Albino To Prove He's Black By Saying The...
- This Andrew Schulz shows got a little bit wild in...
"You Have No Right Hacking" Boomer Freaks Out at a...
- An angry and paranoid woman was offended by a woman...
Little Person Disguised as a Kid Gets Thrown Off The...
- Wow, this is the bets video I have seen in years.
Moose Pops Out of Nowhere to Get Hit by a Car on a...
- Blink and you'll miss it.
Streamer's Colorblindness Bites Him in a Crucial Bomb...
- Quirkitized realized his limits while trying to defuse...
Devin Langford Talks About Surviving The Mormon Ambush...
- Devin Langford hid his siblings during the attack and...
Drake Repeatedly Attempts to Keep Performing as the...
- Drake at Tyler, The Creator's carnival, booed for not...
Cal Fire Demonstrates What Fire Retardant Will Do To...
- Watch what happens when fire retardant is dropped on...
Good Morning Britain Discusses The Need To Ban...
- This conversation looks at how clapping isn't...
Terrifying Fish Has The Face of a Human
- This rarely photographed specimen was recently spotted...
Denmark Has a Ride Where They Basically Drop You Off...
- There's probably no way this could end badly... seems...
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