The Modern Concert Experience: Every Single Person at Show Is Filming the DJ, and No One Is Dancing

Not to be this guy, but can you please put your phone away?

By Braden Bjella

Published 4 months ago in Funny

Not to be this guy, but can you please put your phone away?

Going to concerts post-COVID hasn’t been the most pleasant experience. I don’t know what happened within those few years, but a switch flipped in some people’s heads that made them a) become absolute agents of chaos at airports; and b) forget how they’re supposed to behave in public spaces like concerts.

This has been felt especially hard in the world of DJs. Numerous clubs are now taking the lead from cities like Berlin and implementing no photo policies, covering up the phone cameras of all those who enter.

Why? Because if they don’t, the concerts look like this, where everyone is filming the DJ and not a single person is dancing. 

@tpp.attire All about the vibes though right guys… #i#ibizar#ravef#fypd#danceh#househ#housemusicd#djd#dc10ibizah#hiibizau#ushuaiap#pachaibizap#pachaa#amnesiaibizac#covasantar#ravescened#dancehousee#edenibizad#dancingm#music♬ Rampa Unreleased - Ellie Watkinson
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