The "Star Wars" Blaster Sound Effect Comes from This One Weird Noise
Even if you've never seen a Star War, you're probably familiar with the catchy sound that the blaster guns make in the movie. That "pew pew" noise is unmistakable.
But maybe you've wondered where that sound effect came from? The audio enthusiast podcast Twenty Thousand Hertz interviewed Ben Burtt, the sound designer from the original Star Wars movies, and got the story of where Burtt first heard the blaster noise.
For a film series known for its technical and digital innovations in special effects, it's always funny to hear how analog some of that early work was.
But maybe you've wondered where that sound effect came from? The audio enthusiast podcast Twenty Thousand Hertz interviewed Ben Burtt, the sound designer from the original Star Wars movies, and got the story of where Burtt first heard the blaster noise.
For a film series known for its technical and digital innovations in special effects, it's always funny to hear how analog some of that early work was.