This Girl's Ripped Pants Prank is Funny and Kind of Gross

A girl with a massive rip in her jeans (right on the 'ole buttcheek) has a surprise for anyone who takes a peak.

By Andrew Cunningham

Published 6 years ago in Wow

A funny prank catches these college students at the library off guard when a cute young woman walks by and they notice she has a huge rip in her jeans, right on the ole butcheek. What they see under her jeans they weren't expecting and their reactions are pretty great.
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Extreme Moms Who Tried But Failed Big Time

These adventurous moms took a chance and wound up instantly regretting it.

By Andrew Cunningham

Published 6 years ago in Funny

Moms in a lot of ways are basically superheroes. From dealing with our crap for 9 months before we even enter the world, to being some of the strongest yet kindest people you know, Moms make the world go round. However, these adventurous moms took a chance and wound up instantly regretting it.
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