Dude Pranks Gas Station With Fake Promo, Goes Viral Enough to Become Real

Kyle Scheele put up a lifesize cutout of himself promoting a fictional meal at a Kum & Go gas station. It went so viral, the company actually made the dang thing!

By damn_nation_inc

Published 3 years ago in Ftw

It all started when TikToker Kyle Scheele learned that those big cardboard promos at gas stations for things like the latest 2-for-1 hot dog deals or whatever are actually wholly controlled by the vendors, meaning employees have no idea what's coming in or going out.

This minor realization led Kyle to believe he could probably just pop his own fake cutout into a store and no one would ever question it. So, with a little help from his friends, that's exactly what he did!

Kyle was sure that, even though none of the employees seemed to question him bringing it in and putting it up, it'd surely be removed pretty quickly. And while the employees DID move the sign to a less intrusive part of the store (which Kyle admitted was entirely warranted on their part), they did leave it up. Kyle's video also gained enough steam on TikTok that it encouraged a lot of people to stop in just to take selfies with it and some people even started asking bewildered Kum & Go employees if they could order the Kyle Scheele meal.

This story was already funny and kinda crazy, but the real kicker happened just recently. After seeing how popular the sign was, both in person at that specific store as well as on TikTok in general, Kum & Go teased that they might actually be willing to turn the still-fake Kyle Scheele meal into a reality. After some quick communication back and forth with Kyle (as well as some reps at Red Bull), the prank meal - slightly re-branded as the Kyle Scheele Mealy - is now being launched at Kum & Go locations nationwide!

The meal consists of a "pizza sandwich" (two slices of pizza turned in on each other) and a Red Bull, for $5. It's actually not a bad deal, and the real kicker is that both Kum & Go and Red Bull will both be donating $2/per meal up to $10k each to No Kid Hungry, helping provide meals to kids in need.
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