A "To Catch a Predator" Suspect So Pathetic, The Episode Didn't Even Air

Oof. Vincent Ambrosio was set to appear on an episode of "To Catch a Predator." Chris Hansen released the footage on his new YouTube channel.

By BrandAid

Published 2 years ago in Facepalm

You have almost certainly seen an episode or at least a clip of the Dateline NBC show that flung Chris Hansen into the limelight, "To Catch a Predator". The show is a venture into investigative journalism that exposed the issue of adults trying to solicit sex from teens that shocked the nation. Using decoys, men contact people who they believe are underage and arrange to meet up for sex. The men quickly find out that the person they were talking to was a decoy, that a news crew is there, and eventually being arrested by police waiting to pounce.

In this clip from TCAP. Vincent Ambrosio was set to appear on an episode of "To Catch a Predator." but the episode was never aired. Chris Hansen released the footage on his new YouTube channel.
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