Trump Says He Made Everybody Come

Good for him.

By Braden Bjella

Published 2 months ago in Funny

Good for him.

We’re just a few short days away from former President Donald Trump becoming “current’ President Donald Trump once again. People are having mixed reactions to this, but one place where the reaction has been (relatively) consistent is Silicon Valley, where Big Tech leaders and CEOs have done their best to cozy up to the forthcoming Commander in Chief.

According to Trump, this “cozying up” includes a lot of people coming to meet up. Or, to put it in his words, “everybody’s coming!”

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Another Car Has Crashed Into a Store

Enough of this! Save it for the rest of the year!

By Braden Bjella

Published 2 months ago in Wtf

Enough of this! Save it for the rest of the year!

People love Boba Bird, a bubble tea shop in Houston. They love it so much, in fact, that they can’t wait to drive there — with some getting so excited that they drive their cars directly into the counter.

Earlier this month, Boba Bird was preparing to open when someone driving a car apparently just couldn’t wait for their boba. And so, they slammed their car through the front of the store, thankfully not injuring anyone but definitely causing significant damage.

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