Ukrainian Boaters Throw Fish at the Russian Drone Monitoring Them

Picture this: You’re a boater in the middle of a war zone.

By Braden Bjella

Published 8 months ago in Ftw

Picture this: You’re a boater in the middle of a war zone. While out and about on one of your regular boating trips, you notice that a drone is following you. “Great,” you think. “I’m about to die.” Not so fast — while you might not be traditionally armed, you have nature’s perfect weapon. Quickly, you reach into your sack of fish and fling one at the drone, incapacitating it with one scaly hit.

Unbelievably, this scenario isn’t a fantasy, as this video from Ukraine shows.

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People Keep Destroying Their Cars on this Dutch Bollard

This bollard’s been sniping cars for years. If you’re unfamiliar, a bollard is a post that prevents cars from entering a certain area.

By Braden Bjella

Published 8 months ago in Funny

This bollard’s been sniping cars for years. If you’re unfamiliar, a bollard is a post that prevents cars from entering a certain area. In some cases, these bollards can be lifted up and down to temporarily allow entry—or, in the case of this bollard in the Netherlands, it can be used to take a crack at whoever happens to be driving by.

It’s uncertain whether this bollard is broken or if the country is just filled with really bad drivers, but seeing as this happens in the Netherlands all the time, I’m going to guess that the Dutch just have a very strange sense of humor.

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@butterflyeffect722 Note: Driver left , didn’t wait for the handhaving. #car #motor #poller #maastricht #caraccident #motoroil #auto ♬ Clumsy Situations - Eitan Epstein Music

@butterflyeffect722 #car #accident #caraccident #maastricht #fyp #netherlands ♬ Sunday Stroll - Funsters

@butterflyeffect722 #car #cars #fyp #accident #caraccident #poller #maastricht ♬ Npc - DailyDoseOfSoundEffects

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