Man's Wife Unsure If He'll Sleep With Adopted Adult Daughter

Pure WTF from start to finish.

By damn_nation_inc

Published 3 years ago in Wtf

This is an unrelenting assault of nonstop cringe.

I'm always kind of amazed at how people wind up in situations like this because at absolutely no point in this entire 13+ minute video do I ever think "oh, that got better." Nope, from start to finish it's just nonstop "What the f--k is happening here?" To say it goes progressively goes from bad to worse would be putting things entirely too mildly.

I gotta give props to the folks at A&E though, this entire segment had me going the whole way through. But holy s--t that guy Danny is the f--king WORST. I feel really bad for that poor lady because she's not only let that slimeball talk her into allowing this, she's even somehow managed to become financially on the hook for it as well. It's just all so weird and kinda sleazy and very, very sad. Big yikes.
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