Woman Shows Off Everything She’s Stolen From Restaurants
Braden Bjella
Sometimes you gotta take a little something extra with the meal.
Have you seen restaurant prices these days? They’re insane! And not only are prices sky-high, but eateries now have the gall to nickel-and-dime you every step of the way. I remember when a burger came with fries by default, damn it — now you’re making me pay for them? And why did my burger come served on a ping-pong paddle?
There’s only one way you can get back at these pricey food joints. Well, two ways — I guess you could just not eat there — but I’m a bigger fan of this woman’s solution: stealing the plate, dish or bowl they served you.
Hey, they’re the ones that brought it to you; if they didn’t want you to bring it home, they should have said so!