British Shoppers Finally Got American Security...
- Just wait until you have to call someone to unlock a...
Media videos
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Oxygen Tanker Explodes, Causes A Torrential Downpour...
- Look at all the colors!
Shirtless Man Crashes Out at Airport After Missing His...
- Gentlemen, behave!
Watch a Bunch of Fully Grown Men Fight Over Pokémon...
- Guys, c’mon, this is pathetic.
This Dubai ‘Stretching Machine’ Is a Great Way to...
- Is it a great workout? Or the reason you’ll be in...
Pilot Compliments Himself on Loudspeaker After Landing...
- Honestly? Well-deserved.
Live Streamer Shows Why You Don’t Speed When It’s...
- There are a lot of problems with doing this —...
Kid Passes Out on Rope Swing Mid-Swing
- Good to know that, if you pass out, they’ll just...
Someone’s Sending Anti-Dentist Mailers to...
- Their hate is as pure as a snow-white veneer.
Police Keep Buying Robots, But They Don’t Know What...
- Maybe just don’t buy them?
Another Drunk Airline Passenger Had to Be Duct Taped...
- You’d think airlines would have figured out a better...
SpaceX Pranked the Stranded Astronauts with an Alien...
- Thank goodness there’s no Castle Doctrine in space.
Serbia May Have Used a Sound Weapon Against...
- If true, it would be one of the most dramatic examples...
Man Blowing Up Car Blows Himself Up, Too
- That’s not supposed to happen!
Delivery Robot Gets Rinsed by Oncoming Car
- Serves him right!
Dude Flying Plane Has Cockpit Ripped Off by Cable
- Nothing like a little fresh air at 10,000 feet!
Wild Hail Storm Creates Massive Piles of Ice, Gaping...
- There was not only hail, but tornadoes, high-speed...
Here's What It's Like to Drive a Boat Through a Water...
- Warning: don’t do this.
Here’s How Long It Would Take to Fill the Grand...
- It’s longer than you’d think!
Woman Tries to Use Fire Extinguisher, Creates Rocket...
- That’s not how you do that at all.
School Bus Caught Hitting Snow Bank Like a Jump
- More exciting than any bus ride *I’ve* ever had.
Alabama Frat Bro Gets Stuck in Expensive Pot, Whole...
- I’m sure it was funny at first.
This Russian Plane Launch Is a Failure of Comic...
- Up, then down, then boom.
Man Enjoying Tasty Treat Gets Rear-Ended, Sprays Meal...
- Hey, that was my lunch!
American Influencer Might Get Banned from Australia...
- You don’t mess with wombats!
Plane Knocks Apart Flock of Birds Like Bowling Pins
- That’s a strike!
Watch an Astronaut Float Into His Pants in Zero Gravity
- Aren’t you guys supposed to be doing science up...
Watch the Hockey Fight That Resulted in a Broken Nose,...
- Truly a fight for the ages.
‘Storm Drain Tubing’ Is This Year’s Newest, Most...
- It’s fun until it really, really isn’t.
Woman Shows Off Everything She’s Stolen From...
- Sometimes you gotta take a little something extra with...
Watch a Bunch of People Try to Free a Man Stuck Under...
- Personally, I simply wouldn’t get under the ice.
Welder Documents Himself Accidentally Burning Down a...
- Your boss isn’t going to be happy about that one.
Parking Authority Worker Caught Doing Burnouts in...
- Apparently she damaged it as well.
Kid Dangling From Balcony Gets Rescued Just in Time
- Hopefully he learned not to play on the balcony again.
The Virginia Tunnel Girl Finally Got a Permit to Keep...
- Good for her.
The World's Largest Water Tasting Competition Is...
- I’m going to guess it all tasted like water.
Inmates Stage Prison Break, 32 Still At Large
- The reason? Breakfast (Well, and overcrowding).
Driver Drops His Coffee and Causes Seven-Car Pileup
- And now he needs to get another coffee! Could his day...
Student Pilot Loses Control, Accidentally Crashes...
- Aaaand that’s why he’s a student.
Chillest Man Ever Gets Pulled Over By Cops, Shows Them...
- It may not help your case, but it certainly made the...
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