21 People Who Thought They Were Tougher than the Sun
- The sun is the final boss who remains undefeated.
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Landlord Threatens to Remove Tenant’s Bedroom Lock,...
- Landlords and bosses are neck and neck when it comes...
50 Funny Photos To Make Your Work Go Away
- Eye candy to slow the day down a tad.
Bulldozer Plows ‘Illegal’ Bikes in NYC
- Some 100 ATVs, scooters, and bikes deemed 'illegal'...
46 Choice Pics of Assorted Random Goodness
- A batch of funny, interesting, cool, and even WTF pics...
Odd Finds and Strange Things People Stumbled Across
- If you know where to look, the world is full of...
25 Insane Facts About Mickey Mouse
- Mickey Mouse is perhaps the world's most recognizable...
25 Make-A-Wish Employees Reveal The Craziest Wishes...
- Kids are wonderfully innocent beings who see the...
Joe Biden Fell Off His Bike Over the Weekend
- Joe Biden fell off his bike over the weekend.
Savage Memes to Take Your Breath Away
- Stay up late with this fresh batch of savage memes...
Drastic and Absurd Ways People Are Trying to Save Money
- Are you worried about your financials? Join the club.
People of Walmart Who Ran Out of F**ks to Give
- Speaking of lawless wastelands, welcome to another...
Qatar Warns Single World Cup Tourists Not to Have Sex...
- For any spectators and fans thinking of attending the...
Miserable Karen Decides to do Yard Work During Her...
- To be this petty, you have to be a total pos.
A Funny Collection of Epic Summer Fails to Laugh At
- Summer is in full swing so check out this batch of...
Groom Clarifies after Bride says She'll Always Let Him...
- This bride-to-be has a funny faux pas while reading...
Dennis Chambers Hears Tool's 'Schism' for the First...
- What if funk/fusion drummer Dennis Chambers was the...
Testing a Trashfence in the World's Most Polluted River
- In Guatemala's Rio Motagua Basin home to what is known...
20 Vintage Gaming Ads That Catapulted over the Line
- The early days of gaming were a different time. It's...
Florida Deputies Borrow Family's Boat to Arrest Jet...
- Deputies in Florida responding to an in-progress theft...
Hiring Two Private Investigators to Follow Each Other
- Max Fosh has out done himself this time. In a follow...
25 Greatest 'F**k You's' Throughout History
- History is full of amazing moments that might be hard...
Scary Things Kids Have Said Proving They’re Absolute...
- The saying is "kids say the darnedest things." Most of...
24 Insane Facts About World War I
- World War I changed the face of history. Let's learn...
Frano Selak: The Dude Who God Himself Could Not Kill
- A wild and WTF story about a man who cheated death...
Fresh Memes and Funny Pics of the Dank Variety
- Enjoy a nice assortment of hand-picked memes sure to...
The Science behind Beer Farts Is Actually Fascinating
- Why do our farts smell like firework smoke or...
23 Stalin Facts Your Teachers Never Told You
- Joseph Stalin changed the face of history. Let's learn...
24 Terrifying Facts That Help Put History into...
- The past is full of scary incidents that happened once...
53 Boredom Bashing Pics That Are the Enemy of Mundane
- A big collection of random pics and photos to help...
23 Weird and Wild Facts To Give You a Braingasim
- Too many facts for our little brains to comprehend.
27 Facepalms of Utter Stupidity
- For when the world is just too dumb.
Entitled Boss Fired after Losing Company over $200K
- Spoiler alert, when a company loses that much money...
Tom Hanks Tells Mob of Fans to 'Back the F*** Off',...
- Tom Hanks, aka 'America's Dad' had to give these...
15 Servants Reveal Rich People's Secrets
- Rich people are known for doing some crazy things....
Gas Stealing Dumbass Lights Himself on Fire in Dose of...
- A man attempting to steal gas in Utah finds out if you...
25 Amazon Facts That Might Just Surprise You
- Amazon has become a part of daily shopping for...
30 Spectacular Photos of Days Long Past
- These may change your perspective on history, and they...
Ezra Miller Accused of Grooming 18 Year Old Girl and...
- DC’s The Flash star Ezra Miller is once again...
36 Smart Tips to Keep You Alive
- These could help you out.
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