15 Odd Video Game Adaptations That Worked Amazingly
- Some stories just don't work as movies.
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Man Ends Up in ICU with Brain Injury From Falling...
- Despite warning signs and even other tourists telling...
Boats and Jet Ski's Catch Some Major Air off a Huge...
- A massive wave takes some boats and jet skiiers on a...
21 Random Celebrity Encounters That Left an Impression
- You never know what these people are really like.
21 Interesting Photos That Occurred Naturally
- Absolutely stunning.
Guy with Nerves of Steel Picks up a Stranded Hawk with...
- This hawk was stuck on his porch and after failing to...
NBA 2K14 Launch Party Pics Show B-List Celebs Lining...
- Is it just us, or do these video game release parties...
24 Crazy Coincidences That Prove the Butterfly Effect...
- The butterfly effect is very real.
Why This Popular 'Grand Theft Auto V' Meme Took Seven...
- Luckily for this meme, Rockstar Games refuses to...
The City of Atlantis May Have Been Found In Plain Sight
- And no, it wasn't in the middle of the ocean.
15 Weird Bowser Facts That No One Talks About
- Bowser is the original source of "dragon energy."
18 Wholesome Pics to Remind You That Life is Beautiful
- Pics to give you the feels. Life's not all sad faces...
19 Cheeky Posts from Passive Aggressive People
- If you have something to say, Janice, you can meet me...
What Happens When a Person Gets Shot in the Head
- The secondary effects are almost more deadly than the...
38 Cool Origin Stories to Everyday Sayings
- Now you know!
Fascinating Photos of Our Fascinating World (41 Images)
- A fascinating collection of awe-inspiring pictures to...
Classically-Trained Pianist Knew a Blind 5-Year-Old...
- Matthew Whitaker was 5 years old when he met...
Fascinating Photos of Things Found in Nature (19...
- Nature is just plain fascinating.
Crew Breaks Down Job After Customer Refuses to Pay
- Jack Pendergast and his landscaping crew film...
31 Funny Pics and Memes to Slay Boredom
- A fresh set of internet randoms primed for the...
33 Funny Pics and Memes to Amuse and Delight
- Stuff to spend some time with.
Cracking Open an Amethyst Geode
- Stunning amethyst geode being cracked open.Look at...
25 Hidden Messages Found in Unusual Places
- Sometimes the world leaves you a note.
Cop "Catches His Own Wife Cheating" During Traffic Stop
- That's gotta suck.
Forty Fascinating Facts For Trivial Pursuits
- Impress your friends with these interesting but...
4 Dumb Ways Modern Movies Portray Masculinity
- Does Rambo give you a Ramboner?
Anthrax, Rage Against the Machine, Extreme, and Brad...
- Watch as Game Of Thrones creator Dan Weiss, Tom...
28 Cool Pics to Help You Pass the Time
- A fresh set of funny pics and memes to help slay your...
32 Cool Pics and Memes For a Dank Break
- What's better than a break? A dank break, of course!
10 Most Offensive Video Game Advertisements of All Time
- Video game ads today are tame compared to these gems.
Camera Angle Makes Adam Miller Look Like He's...
- Illinois player Adam Miller appears to be walking the...
Portal Version of "The Sound of Silence" is Creepy as...
- A Portal parody of 'The Sound of Silence' by Simon and...
41 Pics and Funny Memes for Your Enjoyment
- Pause the day and check out some funny memes and...
12 of The Biggest Scandals to Hit History Channel TV...
- Even Television shows can come with their own secrets,...
Hot Fire Engine Test for the Artemis Moon Rocket
- A once in a life time test of the the Artemis SLS...
Man With $220 Million in Bitcoin Has 2 Password...
- What would you do if you had $220 Million that you...
The Time Richard Sherman Duked it out With a Karen...
- One reporter at Media Day wanted to question Richard...
36 Brillianty-Designed Tattoos That Move With the Body
- Forget the dancing hula girl, these are on a whole...
37 Cool Pics and Memes For Exquisite Minds
- Give yourself some afternoon delight with these fresh...
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