Watch the Dreaded Jujitsu Donkey Guard Executed...
- Not a whole hell of a lot you can do with that...
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Power Wheels Camaro Rips Off Road!
- These guys took a Power Wheels and beefed it up and...
22 Cheeky Memes that are Too Dirty for Daytime
- Wind down the day with a quick round of some funny...
XL Batch of Random Pics For a Cool Break
- Cool, interesting pics to waste your time with.
53 Cool Pics to View at Your Leisure
- Great pics for burning the clock.
34 Funny Pics and Memes to Amuse and Delight
- A fine collection of funny memes and pics to turn that...
16 People Who Had a Stroke of Good Luck
- Sometimes things work out better than expected!
17 Actors Who Were Drunk or High During Filming
- Movie stars share times they were under the influence...
John Cena Squats 611 Pounds (277kg)
- So strange how these weights just seem to float in...
16 Atrocities Committed in the Kitchen
- Atrocities that should not go unpunished!
44 Cool Randoms For Your Viewing Pleasure
- An assortment of cool, funny, and interesting pics to...
Final Seconds Punt Return for Touchdown Stopped by the...
- After multiple laterals, the receiving team managed to...
21 Wannabe Chefs Who Suck at Plating
- How do I even eat this?
42 D-Bag Rich Kids of Instagram
- It's so cringey how desperate these kids are to flex.
19 Fascinating Fossils From Pre-Historic Times
- Fossils offer a fascinating window into the past.
17 Photos That Will Reveal More Truth About This World
- The world around us never ceases to amaze. But with...
Speed Runner Finds Ridiculous Exploit to Beat 'Demon's...
- Do speed runners get any joy from playing a game?
Dude Shoots a Glock 17 on Full Auto with a 100 Round...
- Glock proving once again why it's basically the AK-47...
Rocket Labs Footage of the Electron Stage Separation...
- First and second stage separation of Rocket Lab's...
An Up-Close Look at The Mystery Monolith in Utah
- Okay, people have already started to gather around the...
Remembering Diego Maradona's 'Hand of God' Goal in the...
- Diego Maradona died today at the age of 60 and fans...
Kenneth Copeland Speaking In Tongues
- Kenneth Copeland is so full of sh*t, I can smell him...
17 Factoids That Sound Fake but Are Actually True
- Your world may be slightly shaken after finding out...
33 Funny Pics and Memes to Pass the Time With
- A cool collection of funny pics and memes to help slay...
Mexican Mom's Contempt For Rachel Ray's 'Pozole'...
- This Mexican mom was absolutely shook by the trash...
Chappelle Show Removed From Netflix at Dave's Request
- Since Viacom wasn't paying Dave Chappelle for selling...
15 Amazing Plot Twists That Will Go down in Video Game...
- Warning: Contains a whole lot of spoilers.
Mystique's Makeup Process in X-Men Was Very Labor...
- When X-Men premiered in 2000, Mystique was an instant...
Skydiver's Life Saved By Parking Lot Awning
- "Hey man, that's my car!"
22 Big Dudes Struggling to Fit In
- Big dudes stuck in a small man's world.
'Cyberpunk 2077' Gameplay Feels Pretty Much like 'GTA...
- LOL this game was way over hyped.
17 Clever Comments That Found a Home
- Some people think they're just so funny, but beware,...
Man's Motorbike Tour Through Mongolia Captures Things...
- This man's journey took him across all of Mongolia. He...
Florida Man Wrestles His Puppy From the Jaws of an...
- In a dramatic encounter recorded by surveillance...
Skydiver Loses Altitude Awareness and Narrowly Escapes...
- Caution, this video is *LOUD* The group was the 2nd to...
36 Weird Inventions of the Past
- People had some wild ideas back in the day.
Two Absolute Units Collide on the Rugby Field Leaving...
- Two absolute units collide on the field but there can...
14 Awesome Hidden Passages No One Would Suspect
- If you ever build a house, don't forget one of these!
37 People Who Wanted to Lose Some Weight and Did It
- These folks had a goal in mind and proved that...
The Italian Indoor Athletics Female Pole Vault Team is...
- Enjoy the magical world and magnificent sights of this...
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