Students in Other Countries Reveal What They're Taught...
- Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's mostly stuff about WWII,...
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No, This Video of Lava Is Not Sped Up
- This footage of Kilauea's Fissure 8 Eruption...
Dude's Revenge Against Workplace Bully Inadvertently...
- No, he didn't personally kill the guy, but his revenge...
Musician With Acoustic Guitar Plays 'Staying Alive'...
- This guy absolutely crushes the Bee Gees classic.
20 Intriguing Shower Thoughts for Big Brains
- Some people do their best thinking in the shower,...
Twitter Bans 7,000 QAnon Conspiracy Accounts; Suspends...
- 7,000+ QAnon conspiracy theorists were recently banned...
40 People Having One Hell of a Bad Day
- Pretty much one universal thing about life is that it...
62 Cool Pics and Funny Memes for a Dose of Distraction
- We're halfway through another week and sometimes the...
16 People With Very Questionable Intelligence
- Proof that we are all drowning in a vast, endless...
Choosing Beggar Can't Be Bothered to Pick Up Shells...
- How can you possibly get so salty over something...
Twitter Thread Tugs On Millennials Elementary School...
- This Twitter Thread takes a look at all the little...
Hotel Clerk Catches Her Ethics Professor in a Very...
- Well, isn't that ironic?
21 Fascinating Pictures From Our Fascinating World
- A fine collection of a little bit of anything and...
Donald Trump Sends Ghislaine Maxwell His "Well Wishes"
- I just wish her well, "I've met her numerous times...
31 Examples of "Absolute Units" of Miscellaneous...
- Every now and then you see something that makes you...
Woman Plays Dead after Tripping While Running from a...
- Playing dead actually works, here is all the proof you...
Steven Crowder Calls The Police After Losing a Debate
- Umm, can someone call the police for me, this black...
XXL Batch of Fresh Pics and Memes
- Take a break from the day, and get your fill of funny...
25 Awesome Things You Don't Often See
- Mildly interesting things that you don't often, if...
Hundred Year Old Footage of Tokyo in 1913, Restored...
- This restored footage of Tokyo from the 19th century...
A No Nonsense Summary of Pizzagate
- Pizzagate has been lingering on the edges of internet...
Frustrated Mom Tries Using Rewards to Potty-Train...
- Wow. This kid is honestly kind of impressive.
Crazy Story About the Fastest Man-made Object in...
- On August 27, 1957, at a remote testing site in the...
20 Things That are Just Plain Interesting
- Cool things that actually exist.
58 Great Pics for Your Ocular Pleasure
- A super-sized batch of great pics that range from odd,...
29 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed in Your Favorite...
- Pop culture references and other things that were...
Woman Sunbathing By Pool Narrowly Escapes Being...
- Kid asks his mother about a "strange noise" just...
UFO Performs Sharp Maneuvers After Laser Pointer...
- This video was taken in Big Bear Lake, California and...
Huge Portland Rioter Makes Police Look Like Chumps
- A few baton swings and some tear gas hardly did a...
36 Cool Pics and Memes to Make Your Day
- A fresh batch of randoms to tickle your pickle, and...
16 Survival Tips That Could Save Your A**
- These might just save your life.
CNBC Host Shocked When Chamath Palihapitiya Says "Who...
- Former Facebook executive Chamath Palihapitiya said...
Texas Residents Record "Something" Burning Up After...
- Recorded at the Marathon Motel and Sky Park at 2:02 am...
Girl Accuses Cop Of Sexual Assault, Police Chief...
- An officer's name is cleared after recently released...
46 Weird Facts about Totally Normal Things
- Bite-sized knowledge for your tiny little brain.
Carl Sagan Debunked the Flat Earth Years Ago With...
- Using the calculations from 300BC by Eratosthenes of...
Harvesting Cranberries is Significantly Creepier Than...
- This is the part of cranberry harvesting you never see...
Betty Frieberg's Revenge Against Abusive Husband Was...
- Is there a movie about this? There should definitely...
Guy Builds a "Working" Flying Saucer Powered by Matches
- This cardboard UFO blasts off in an impressive...
38 Funny Pics and Memes to Help You through the Day
- Stuff to help slay boredom.
eBaum's Picks