Fascinating Facts About Keanu Reeves
- Just a few selected bits of trivia about everyone's...
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Seagull Swallows Rabbit Whole
- So THAT'S where the Easter Bunny went this year...
Uncanny Deepfake Shows How Burt Reynolds Would Have...
- Burt Reynolds turned down the role of James Bond in...
Trump Gets Sad When He Learns Seattle Hasn't Had a...
- As people around the country and the world are told to...
Dancing Pallbearers Get Too Hyped and Drop a Coffin
- What has been one of the most popular memes in recent...
Pilot Skirted Area-51 Restricted Airspace and Took...
- One step closer to clappin' some alien cheeks.
39 Photos Captured with Perfect Timing
- When you're at the right place at the right time.
Princeton Physics Prof Reproduces Pascal's Barrel...
- Pascal's blaising barrel experiment is some serious...
The Exposing Catfishes Trend On TikTok is Pretty...
- The kids are going to be just fine. It's the adults...
37 Cool Pics and Memes to Entertain Your Brain
- Stuff to brighten your day and delight your soul.
Blink-182 Just Came out With One of the Coolest Music...
- Blink-182 isn't letting quarantine stop them from...
Hear How Tool Sounds Played on a "Doom" MIDI
- Their song "Pneuma" gets an epic video game-themed...
Conan Checks in on Jordan Schlansky While in Quarantine
- Jordan refuses to disclose his location and records a...
Crazy Family Yell At Deer Hunter and Get Put In Their...
- "Do you eat meat from the store? Well, you know they...
Underwater Bench Pressing is a Thing and This Dude...
- I think the part that's really amazing is how he held...
19 People Who Don't Look Their Age
- Adults that look super young.
Zoom Chat Goes Off the Rails After Seeing Who Could...
- Who's going to show up?
XFL Laid Off All Employees; Has No Plans to Return in...
- Vince McMahon is left in shambles again.
CEO Opposed to Corporate Bailouts Leaves CNBC Host...
- Social Capital CEO and former Facebook senior...
New Episode of 'Tiger King' Coming This Weekend
- Finally, something to look forward to!
Donald Trump Says He'll "Take a Look" at Pardoning Joe...
- 22 years in prison for trying to have your archnemesis...
32 Times Nature Was Absolutely Breathtaking
- Mother Nature is one stunning lady.
Bryan Cranston's Car Blows Up on 'Murder She Wrote'
- Way, way before he became the one who knocks (aka...
Despicable Dancing Surgeon Brought to Justice by...
- This doctor who cut patients open to the rap song "Cut...
The Adrenochrome Conspiracy Theories Explained
- Adrenochrome is at the very center of some of the...
34 Cool Pics and Memes to Entertain Your Brain
- Stuff to brighten your day and delight your soul.
Conan O’Brien Accused of Bribing Faculty to Get His...
- Reporters the infamous Conan with questions about his...
20 of Nature's Finest Bugs to Gaze At
- Anyone able to help identify these guys?
City Commissioner Savagely Calls Out a Police Officer...
- Broward County cop Joshua Gallardo is awarded Deputy...
Pets Can Catch Coronavirus From Humans
- Here's how you can keep your beloved pets safe from...
Entitled Prick Using NYC as His Personal Race Track...
- This dude went driving around NYC like it was an empty...
Brave Cop Completely Shuts Down this Guy's Suicide...
- This is how you take negotiation into your own hands.
32 Talented Artists Who Made Impressive Work
- People who have real artistic skills
34 Fresh Pics n Memes Packed to the Brim With Cool
- A fine selection of funny memes and pics to help you...
Bear Puts Traffic Cone Back in Place
- This bear is just being a good citizen
Ellen Gets Torn a New One After Saying Her Quarantine...
- Ellen continues her campaign to become the most...
Drone Footage of Hart Island Where NYC Inmates Are...
- Hart Island has been long used by NYC to bury those...
29 Things That Are Pretty Cool
- Stuff you just don't see every day.
American in China Gives Tour of Chinese Wet Markets...
- While standards between different wet markets can...
Young Vin Diesel Hyping 'Street Sharks' at a Toy Fair...
- Holy s**t I actually used to own some of these toys as...
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