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Cringiest Things People Have Ever Seen at a Wedding
- Some weddings are a beautiful celebration of two...
22 People Admit the Dumbest Reasons They Got Fired
- These people truly went out with a bang.
Dr. DisRespect's Twitch Perma-Ban Has the Internet...
- The interwebs are swirling with theories about what is...
West Palm Beach Town Meeting Plays Out Like a Scene...
- So far, 2020 feels like we’re living in an episode...
Sheriff in Washington State Denounces Masks and Rounds...
- Too "proud" and "brave" to wear a piece of cloth, no...
Conspiracy Theory Claims the Government is Planting...
- A new conspiracy theory has begun to circle the...
Rude Karen Follows Guy Into Men's Bathroom Before...
- Serious, WTF Karen?!
15 Fascinating Facts From History You Didn't Know
- Stuff you probably didn't learn in school.
Clueless driver drags a U-Haul trailer on its side...
- The video begins with a vehicle that sees the U-Haul...
What You'll See at a 7-Eleven at 3 in the Morning...
- The Cop's expression says it all.
Gwyneth Paltrow’s New Candle Smells Like Her Orgasm....
- Twitter roasted her to a flame.
65 Random Pics, Funny Memes, and Everything In Between
- Check out this XXL sized serving of pics and memes...
Guy Arrested for Murder Shares His Story - VR Stories
- A guy at a skate park at the wrong time gets accused...
Twitter Investigation Debunks the 'Captain America...
- After noticing one small coincidence this online...
20 Things That Are Mildly Infuriating
- This stuff might drive you up a wall.
24 Insane Posts Found on Social Media
- Reporting from the front line of social media we have...
Angry Parking Lot Protector Gives Asian Guy a Piece of...
- The Karens and Nancy's have declared that it is time...
Moments Where Crowds Went From Happy to Instantly...
- Talk about taking all the air out of a room.
Woman Claiming to be Cat in Human Body Leaves BF...
- Understandably, this revelation left him and most of...
Ladies Who Dated "Nice" Guys Discuss How Awful They...
- If these are the "nice" guys, we might be better off...
Officer Scrambles for Answers after Pulling Man over...
- You can hear how scared this white officer is of this...
Dunking Aluminum Can in Drain Cleaner Reveals Plastic...
- Do all soda cans have this weird little plastic bag on...
26 People Being Real Jerks
- The people here all deserve massive wedgies.
This Might Be The First 'Male Karen' Video We've Seen
- This man called the cops on two peaceful protestors.
Church Singer Wows Congregation With His Amazing Voice
- Was he trolling or does he legit think he can sing?
20 Shower Thoughts to Make You Squint
- Something to puzzle over the next time you're peeing...
34 Pics We Couldn't Explain Even If We Tried
- On second thought, it's probably better not to...
Little Girl Gets Bullied by Cyclist Dork for Posting...
- This guy is currently wanted by local police for being...
27 People Who Have Done Some Truly Weird Stuff For Cash
- We've all been there at some point or another.
If Cardi B Did The Sound Effects For Star Wars -...
- Where did all of that audio come from? Was it all...
Dad's Threatening Letter to Daughter's Ex-Boyfriend Is...
- Starting Father's Day early this year.
24 Facts That Are the Opposite of Fun
- Facts that will bring you down.
Dude Accidentally Catches Music Teacher Choking His...
- I guess between piano lessons, the teacher tickles his...
18 Crazy Things That Went Down in 'Old Hollywood'
- Hollywood has changed a lot since its hay-day, or has...
25 Dumb Things People Did at Their Jobs Without...
- We all know one. That person who just never gets...
Principal Gets Outed for Stealing Entire Graduation...
- Students from Parkersburg High shared a video of their...
Apparent Children's Militia Stands Guard in Atlanta
- Disturbing video shows kids in Army fatigues holding...
eBaum's Picks