Trashy Pics That Will End Up In a Landfill (25 Images)
- Trashy people never cease to amazing and confuse us...
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Insane Parents Who Shouldn't Have Had Kids (17 Pics)
- These people shouldn't breed.
Twenty-Three Pics That Are Filled with Stupidity
- My mother always said "You can't fix stupid."
Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking...
- A grown man takes revenge on a kid who quit his team...
Russian Circus Bear Mauls Trainer in Front of...
- A Russian circus performance erupted into chaos...
Late Night Host Lilly Singh Has Already Been Accused...
- Lilly Singh, a YouTube creator turned Late Night host...
WTF Pics of People Being Weird
- People are really, really weird.
Girl Dancing for her Instagram Video Gets Interrupted...
- Looks like it's time to move!
Times Expectations Were Crushed by a Harsh Reality (25...
- Sometimes things don't turn out as planned.
Company Makes Gross, Realistic Human Skins for Phones,...
- Finally, the perfect phone case for people who are...
Dog-In-The-Road Trick Video is a Mean Prank to Play On...
- Whoever made this is a jerk, but now you can send it...
25 Horrible People Who Are Real Pieces of S**t
- It's a sad, undeniable fact that we are surrounded by...
Children's Party Performer Sings Song About Being...
- How come I never get invited to this kind of event?
Porn Star 'Bridget The Midget' Is Going To Jail
- The small star is facing some big jail time for...
25 Wild Things Spotted on Black Twitter
- Black Twitter is one crazy place.
Writer Trying to 'Cancel' Jeff Goldblum on Twitter...
- In the wake of creepy James Franco stories recently...
22 Ladies Who Tried To Fool You On Instagram
- The truth about these unrealistic pics.
Fort Worth PD Calls the Bluff of a Woman Who Kicked...
- An allegedly off-duty cop sensed too much fun...
Terrible People Who Are Total Scumbags
- People taking society backwards.
Divers Looking for Sunken Ship Find Giant Egg-Sac Full...
- A strange, undulating blob found in the waters of...
People Describe How They Survived Being Kidnapped in...
- Being kidnapped would be a horrifying experience. Here...
Cursed Images That Are Making Us Wanna Gouge Our Eyes...
- Your daily dose of WTF, cursed food, and creepy images...
Angry School Bus Driver Stops Short, Sends a Kid Into...
- Video captured from a school bus shows a Mesa, Arizona...
Video Evidence of Russian Military Bombing 4 Syrian...
- The New York Times obtained thousands of air force...
Parents Who Are Just the Worst
- These folks should never have been allowed to have...
Lady's Freak Talent Makes Her Eyes Look Like Pennywise...
- A fake audition for the new 'It' movie left us shook.
Wendy Williams is a Piece of Human Garbage
- Curb your ignorance Wendy Williams.
Toothless Old Man Falls Asleep at the Wheel And Tries...
- I like how he played it off by blaming the other...
Florida Woman Becomes Latest Viral Racist, Calls Teen...
- She's being dubbed "Pick It Up Peggy."
Undercover BBC Journalist Uncovers Massive "Sex for...
- This is a truly shocking expose.
18 Dark Memes for People with a Twisted Sense of Humor
- Hello darkness, my old friend.
27-Year Veteran Teacher Says Modern American High...
- Retired teacher talks about how his supervisors told...
Shoplifter's Skirt Is a Neverending Treasure Trove of...
- This is like a scene out of a cartoon - I was half...
Chinese Trolls Stoke Hate and Division With 911 Jokes
- China bots are attempting to piss off Americans with...
Samuel Little, America's Most Violent Serial Killer...
- The FBI just released a number of interviews with...
Celebrities Who Did Some Seriously Bad Sh*t and Got...
- Celebrities often times do not play by the rules and...
Police Discover 24 Pipe Bombs While Responding to 911...
- Michelle Kolts of Wimauma, Fla., was charged with 24...
Teen With Fake Badge And Cop Car Pulling People Over...
- Hey dude, why don't you find a better hobby, you know...
The NBA Bows To Communist China
- Over the weekend, the NBA found themselves in a...
Glenlivet Releases "Cocktail Capsules," Aka Adult...
- Absolutely no one, ever: Glenlivet: Let's make...
eBaum's Picks