30 Times the Idea Was Horrible, but the Execution Was...
- "I could never pull that off, but you look fantastic!"
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18 WTF History Facts They Didn't Teach at School
- There's probably a reason our history teachers decided...
20 Shower Thoughts for Cleaning up Your Act in the New...
- Another round of random thoughts to rinse yourself in.
27 ‘No Thanks’ Objects Found in People’s Homes
- In case you need some help fueling up for your...
Fox News is Indistinguishable From Idiocracy
- The depiction of Fox News in the movie Idiocracy is...
22 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip on...
- The world has no shortage of choosy beggars and people...
22 Pics Of Christmas Cringe and Family Fails
- The Holidays come with their own special set of rules...
41 Cool Pics From A Perspective You Don't Often See
- Things are not as they seem in the mind-bending,...
25 Successful Comedians Who Lack Real Comedy Chops
- A comedian's whole job is to be funny. So why do some...
25 Movies That Would Be Incredibly Awkward If You...
- We've all had that weird experience of watching a...
14 Paranormal Stories From Reddit To Freak You Out
- If you get spooked easily, we suggest you keep it...
23 Things Hollywood Gets Wrong About Life In Prison
- We don't believe all of Hollywood's influence on our...
20 Examples of Truly Trashy Behavior
- These folks are a far cry from humanity's finest.
Mall Santa Gets Stuck Rappelling From Ceiling
- This internet classic features everything we love in a...
13 People Who Had One Job, ‘Home Alone’ Edition
- Is Kevin everyone's responsibility? Of course not....
21 Weird Things People Found
- You don't see that every day.
22 Crazy Facts So WTF They Almost Sound Fake
- These might be a wild ride.
Viral Video of Woman Breastfeeding Cat Is Clearly Fake
- The viral video of a woman being filmed breastfeeding...
26 Bizarre News Headlines That Are a Totally Fitting...
- 2021 has been less than ideal for a lot of reasons....
Trump’s Tweets Were Tumultuous at Best, but Do We...
- On January 8, Twitter banned Donald Trump. They had...
30 First Dates So WTF Lucifer Himself Would Cringe
- Some real horror stories.
25 Professions We All Agree Are Evil
- We've all seen the "are we ze baddies meme" and had a...
44 People Who Acted So Bad They Don't Deserve Christmas
- The holidays aren't for everyone.
19 Shameless Rip Offs That Are Kinda Impressive
- Every masterpiece has its cheap copy. We've collected...
Scam Call Takes Weird Left Turn When Scammer Gets Horny
- Maybe identity theft is his kink?
21 Epic Photos Almost Impossible to Plan For
- Some photos are simply impossible to see coming; they...
25 Small Hills People Are Willing to Die On
- We tend to go to bat over the important things in our...
18 Hairdos That Are Just Screaming for Attention
- We get it, you're trendy and original. But like maybe...
29 Scandalous Family Secrets Revealed By DNA Tests
- Maybe some things are better left unknown.
20 Savage Memes From The Horrible GTA Trilogy
- Almost everyone knows that the Grand Theft Auto: The...
49 Home Disasters From Hell
- When things hit the fan.
27 Weirdest WTF Pics from The Subway We Can't Unsee
- Some things should stay underground...
23 Disturbing and Unsettling Facts
- Sometimes we wished we didn't go putting our noses...
25 "Dream Jobs" That Actually Suck
- No matter your job, you probably dream of something...
25 Basic Life Skills That Are In Short Supply
- By definition, most people should have many basic...
'Drug Recognition Experts' Can Arrest You for DUI Even...
- A tactic to help fight against drunk and drugged...
‘Karen and Cry’ Latest Entitlement Tactic, Woman...
- In a viral TikTok video a wild Karen appears, running...
32 Weddings That Were Complete and Utter Trash
- Listen as a recently married man, I get it. Weddings...
27 Terrible Cringe Pics That Can't Be Unseen
- Just when you think you've seen it all, you come...
‘Death Diving’ in Norway Is Just as Insane as It...
- A popular extreme sport in Norway, 'Death Diving' is...
eBaum's Picks