So Horny
- Flash loop...the longer you watch the funnier they...
Media animations
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- WARNING: This is not for the faint of heart.
Ghetto Delta
- Back by popular demand...
Gettin Tipsy
- Flash loop...the longer you watch the funnier they...
Shake Your Booty
- Flash loop...the longer you watch the funnier they...
- A very cool illusion.
Shoe Souls
- Satan calls the local shoe store. Hilarity ensues.
9 Coronas
- A warning to all the men. 9 coronas!!!!!!
It's Time to Bomb Saddam
- What time is it? It's time to bomb Saddam! Everyone...
- La la la la - ooo hoo hoo. Stuff like this makes us...
Windows Noises
- Who knew you could make music with Windows sound files?
Honda Ad
- Amazing Honda Ad. You gotta see this to believe it.
- All he wants to do is nibble on the strawberry.
Backstreet Boys
- This is the song they don't want you to hear.
Mario Splat
- Super Mario Bros. Animation. Very funny!
Princess-Episode 2
- A hilarious cartoon by the guys that did South Park....
Shake That Ass
- This kid is hypnotising!
American Idle - Numa Numa
- Numa Numa Does American Idol!
DBZ Parody (Dragon Ball Z)
- Funny DBZ parody.
Judge Judy Reign
- A hilarious Judge Judy parody animation.
- Learn your A-B-C's! (with a twist) Great for the kids.
Beer Is Good
- Death metal, beer, and cheezy flash animation.
Dub Dub Dub
- Turn your volume on max and sing along... dub dub dub...
Bubble Girl
- Great time waster! Drag the girl around with your...
Michael Jackson - I Never Copped a Feel
- Michael Jackson is facing charges... again.
Shake That Ass!
- Shake that ass...
Hippo Noodles
- Doesn't make much sense, but it sure is fun to sing...
Interactive Buddy
- Burn him, blow him up, tickle him, and more.
She Freakin' Blocked Me
- She Frickin Blocked Me! Funny animation.
Original Numa Numa
- See the original Numa Numa!
Too Many Guys - Group X
- Group X is back with another video.
Super Cool Pic Illusion
- Awesome illusion. I've been watching this for 5...
WayBack WHENsday: Scfifty-Five
- Classic: Flash animation of a song by Group-X.
Bang Bang Bang!!!
- This video is funny as hell! The guys that did the...
F Word
- The F word and its many uses.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
- It is peanut butter and jelly time...
Banana Phone
- One of the funniest things I have watched in a long...
Weird Cartoon
- Cartoons don't get much weirder than this!
Cowbell Soundboard
- How did the site go so long without a cowbell...
Cheech and Chong Soundboard
- Americas favorite stoners on demand!
eBaum's Picks