What in the Heck is This Strange Alien Like Creature?

By MarkFelt

Published 2 years ago in Creepy

A strange creature that was tall, very thing, naked, and with abnormally long hs people asking "What the hell is that thing?" Those dudes hung around way too long.

The world is full of mysterious creatures, strange items, and seemingly paranormal occurrences.  Have you ever seen something, a creature or animal and you just couldn't figure out what it was? That is exactly what happened to a couple of bikers who were riding down a dark road in Jharkhand, India.  In the video, a strange human-like figure can be seen strolling down the road. The video was apparently recorded on the Chadwa Dam bridge in the Hazaribagh district by some men out for an evening ride on their motorcycles.

The creature looks to be human-like in its appearance, although it seems to be very thin, with pasty white/pale skin, it is pretty tall, and has abnormally long skinny arms.  As the bikers slow down and eventually stop to get a better look at what they are seeing, an eerie moment occurs as the creature stop walking, and turns and looks directly at them. The men don't stick around for very long after that which is fair, because I don't think I would have stopped at all.

So what the heck is that thing?  Some users said the local police in the area said it was just an "unclothed woman walking down the road", but I'm fairly certain you'd be able to see some uh.. distinguishable anatomy if that was the case.  

Other people argue that the creature is indeed supernatural or paranormal with some calling it an alien, a ghost, a demon, and even possibly a witch.  If anything, to me it looks like a naked slenderman which is just a whole other level of creepy and terrifying.

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