Man Shows Up to Hooters-Style Coffee Shop Straight Up Jerkin’ It

Sir, you can’t do that here.

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 month ago in Wtf

Sir, you can’t do that here.

Sir, you can’t do that here.

While most people are familiar with “breastaurants” — establishments like Twin Peaks and Hooters that boast busty servers — these restaurants aren’t the only ones rooted in the display of women’s bodies. Around the country (but mostly up and down the West Coast), there exists something called a “bikini barista,” where women prepare hot coffee while wearing skimpy outfits.

Naturally, some can make a fair bit of money while working at one of these establishments — a worthy reward given the kinds of creeps they have to deal with. For example, this woman was working her bikini barista shift when a man pulled up with his pants down and hands on his Johnson.

Excuse me, that isn’t the tip she wanted!

Man pulls up to hooters style coffee shop masturbating.
byu/thehidden_user inThatsInsane
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