Man’s Drunk Golf Cart Drive Doesn’t Last Long

For a minute, I’m sure it was pretty fun!

By Braden Bjella

Published 3 months ago in Funny

For a minute, I’m sure it was pretty fun!

For a minute, I’m sure it was pretty fun!

As much as we make fun of Florida, there’s some part of all of our hearts that yearn for it. Who wouldn’t want to spend their retirement in a near-perpetual state of intoxication, driving from place to place in your golf cart while giving yourself ungodly levels of UV radiation?

However, if you live this lifestyle, you have to have others who can keep you in check. Otherwise, you end up like this man, who took his golf cart for a drunken drive and immediately wrecked it.

Drunk Florida man takes his golf cart off-road and sends himself flying
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