25 Car Mods That Cannot Be Street Legal
- Not everyone is a qualified mechanic.
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Truck Crashes Through Building, Man Remains Totally...
- It’s gonna take more than a car smashing through the...
Driver Sees He’s on the News, Decides to Rip a Few...
- Gotta make those few moments count!
Watch a Driver Decide to Stop Driving Drunk
- It’s the right move.
Dude Stops Road Rage by Turning Off His Lights
- As a car driver, you have incredible power over...
20 Awful Car Modifications and Accessories That Are a...
- If you wouldn't get plastic surgery on your face,...
Amish Kid Gets Caught Drifting His Horse and Buggy
- I wonder if you know how they live in Pennsylvania!
Apply Palm to Forehead - 21 Funny Fails Full of...
- Some funny Friday facepalms and fails.
'Drive Anything But a Car to School Day' Has Teens...
- And not a single person walking!
Man Hilariously Narrates Himself Chasing Down the Guy...
- You can hit him, but you can’t outrun him!
26 Clever Creations and Blue-Collar Engineering...
- If you need something fixed as soon as possible for a...
28 Wild Bumper Stickers That Nearly Drove Us Off the...
- We'd put all of these bumper stickers on our Bentley.
Cop Tells Off Range Rover Driver Who Parked in Two...
- There are a few car brands whose drivers are simply...
Dude Uses Car Alarm to Spook Influencers Off of His...
- You’re not using my car for content today, buddy!
I Don't Get Paid Enough For This: 21 Mechanics Who Are...
- Properly taking care of a car requires diligence,...
Missed the Mark: 25 Lame Car Mods From Under-Qualified...
- If you're going to take a wrench to your four wheeled...
16 Junkyard Engineers Who Made Their Own Cybertruck,...
- Check out these junkyard engineers and their homemade...
'You Can't Park There': 24 Cars In Places They're Not...
- Cars have wheels, and they're operated by people, and...
A Super-Sized Serving of Idiots In Cars Who Definitely...
- A compilation of bad drivers, bizarre crashes, and WTF...
23 Cars Decked Out With Oddly Specific Messages
- For when normal bumper stickers just don't do the job.
18 Times When Someone Did Something Impressively...
- Caught in the act of dumbness.
28 Bumper Stickers That Totally Nailed It
- Crazy bumperstickers are a byproduct of free speech....
Road Raging Idiot Humbled By Car Window after Punching...
- "Bro has pillows for fists."
29 Unusual Sights Spotted in Seemingly Normal Scenarios
- You don't see this stuff every day.
27 Heeps (Jeeps) of Garbage That Don't Deserve a Waive
- If you've ever driven a jeep, you'll know about the...
24 Pricey Screwups and Costly Collisions That Hurt the...
- Get those pocket books ready people! Or, just don't be...
The Walmart Parking Lot Pole That People Just Can't...
- Over 45 cars have been claimed by the Auburn Maine...
‘He Probably Wont Do That Again’: Guy Throwing...
- Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Cop With Rumble Strips Makes Most Pathetic Attempt of...
- A chase in Southern California featured the LAPD and...
Car Detailer Calls BS on Tesla’s Alleged...
- "This seat would be stained red almost instantly."
Family Gets Massive SUV Stuck Inside a Redwood Tree
- "They were expecting a burger at the drive through."
Karen Thinks Man Idling in His Tesla is Polluting the...
- Karens hate it when people just sit in their cars.
29 Pictures That Technically Tell the Truth
- You can't really dispute these points.
Elon's Cybertruck Got Stuck in the Mud and Needed to...
- Elon Musk's Cybertruck has been teased as the world's...
Dude Shows Off His "Final Boss" of a Beat-Up Van
- "Bro just found Elon Musk's new project."
Hawaii Tourists Drive into a Lake 'The Office' Style...
- The driver and her passenger were searching for a...
Cop and Self-Driving Taxi Have the Dumbest Standoff in...
- The world's dumbest man vs. machine shows that self...
Trucker Narrates the Bad Drivers He Encounters on the...
- "They think it's rage. It's actually therapy."
Toyota Dealership Erupts into All-Out Brawl between...
- "This is the worst Toyotathon promotion I've seen."
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