This Philly Man Wants You to Come Kick His Ass
- No weapons, just two dudes beating each other with...
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Helicopter Spins Out Into Airplane
- Yet another mark against helicopters.
Ultra Cheap: 23 People Being Overly-Thrifty and It's...
- They saves some money, but at what cost?
Zipline Park Tries to Promote Themselves By Flinging a...
- Someone please free this man!
23 Times the Universe Showed Someone 'Today Is Not My...
- When things get out of hand fast.
19 Useful Yet Manipulative Life Hacks People Use
- Don't sue us if these don't work for you.
29 People And Their Terrible Tattoos that Equal a...
- What were they thinking?
Ugandan Kids Reenact the Trump Assassination Attempt
- I guess that’s one way to spend your weekend.
No Thanks, I'm Good: 29 Questionable Things We Didn't...
- Do people actually get these?
25 People Who Definitely Regret Getting Tattoos
- How much is laser removal again?
21 Examples of Quotes and Predictions Falling Flat
- Some things that aged like warm milk.
26 Next Level Thinkers and People Who Pulled Real...
- These people make power moves only
30 Great Examples of When Stupid Rules Backfired in...
- These rules are made to be broken
18 Examples of People Who Got Passive Aggressive...
- Might not be the best way to solve their problems
18 Times When Someone Did Something Impressively...
- Caught in the act of dumbness.
30 Examples of Jobs and Workplaces Where Safety Was...
- Someone's going to end up getting killed here.
18 Celebrities Who Demanded the Strangest Things
- Some ridiculous requests
12 Roast Victims So Severly Burnt They Regret Asking
- These people asked to get roasted, and the internet...
24 Infuriating Moments That Totally Ruined People’s...
- Sometimes life decides to stink. .
26 Cringe Pics of Complete Facepalm
- Feel the cringe... let it flow through you.
Absolutely Epic: The Kid's USA Mullet Championships is...
- The mullets are awesome, but the names are even...
12 People Who Definitely Regret Asking to Get Roasted
- Be careful what you wish for, it might just burn you.
34 Things You Might Really Want to Own
- You might want them, but do you need them?
48 Pics That Are Oddly Specific
- There's a just too much information here.
18 People Who Think They're Way Tougher Than They Are
- God forbid any of them actually had to get out from...
Extremely Lucky Kid Narrowly Escapes a Brush With Death
- Things nearly went horribly wrong for this guy as he...
Reed Timmer's Shocking Video Of Cows Being Dragged...
- Sadly, cows flying through the air, is not just a...
15 WTF Weed Strains From Crazy to Offensive
- 15 funny and f'ed up bags of weed.
Can You Tell the Difference Between a Swedish Jail...
- Can you guess if these rooms are for the world's most...
21 People Who Got Crunched In The Comments
- They weren't ready for these insults.
23 People Who Didn't Do Their Only Job
- It's not like they had multiple responsibilities.
26 Terrible Haircuts for Crazy People
- What did these people do to their barbers to deserve...
33 Terrible Tattoos Deserving of a Full Refund
- What on earth were they thinking?
18 Comments That Roast Like Hot Coals
- These were right on point.
20 Trashy People With No Class
- The worst humanity has to offer.
25 Funny Comebacks and Savage Roast Hotter Than Your...
- They might need some ointment for these burns.
25 Annoying Things Young People Keep Doing
- Not all young people are bad, but there are a few...
17 Fake People Who Aren’t Fooling Anyone Online
- Social media is not reality.
Guy With Balls of Steel Goes Over a 78 Foot Tall...
- This dude has balls of steel... or maybe just no brain...
22 Infuriating Facepalms of Foolishness
- How can people be this clueless?
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